IR 50/50 - MA 3-Gun State Championship - Easthampton Fish & Game - Sat. 7/30



Gates will be open at 8:00, and sign-up begins at 9:00 a.m.
3-Gun starts at 10:00 a.m.
Lunch provided.

I decided to start a little later than our SOTY matches to give us more time for set-up; and to give those travelling from out of state an easier ride.

Further improvements on the range are complete, so we'll have all 12 benches open.

If you've never shot at Easthampton Fish & Game, the range is in Southampton, MA. If you need directions, please email me and I'll get them out to you.

If possible, please let me know if you are coming, through a post here, email, or phone call so I can get a head-count for lunch.
Maryellen promises brownies and something else special to compliment the usual lunch menu.

To our regular competitors who are headed down to Charleston for the International matches, you will be missed.
We wish you the best of luck!!

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Sorry to miss this one, but good luck with the match - and weather. I heard it's supposed to be a nice weekend all the way around up here. I just hope that with the 3 of us gone you make the 10 shooter quota or it'll be all for not. You should.

Mel and I are going to make it Talked to Tim Wagner yesterday and he is planing to also. Hope that fills the void.
There is a crafty old shooter up that way that has been doing a lot of winning. It will be a lot of fun trying to whoop him. That is a big try on my part.

Mel and I are going to make it Talked to Tim Wagner yesterday and he is planing to also. Hope that fills the void.
There is a crafty old shooter up that way that has been doing a lot of winning. It will be a lot of fun trying to whoop him. That is a big try on my part.

"...old shooter..."? "...old shooter..."? Now Gordon, who could you be talking about. :confused:

Pete, do you really think Gordon is calling my out? I don't worry about Gordon so much as I worry about Mel and you of course in Sporter. That Sporter of yours sure can shoot. You really lucked out using that unknown 'smith from the hills of New York.

Michael, I would drive to Easthampton just to enjoy Maryellen's tasty treats, never mind the shooting part.

As you may have guessed, Penny and I will be there. We just can't resist a challenge.

Al :D
Al, Dont worry about me I cant get Gordon to work on my Guns .
Ya know Pete, Gordon is so confident that he laughed at Al's offer of spotting him 5 points and 10X's, but then Al rebutted with, " If you having any trouble with your sporter, I'll let you use know the one made by the other gunsmith!"

Rumor has it that grumpy ole TangoTwo might be showing up with Ms Cherie. The banter of the wits could get as interesting as the shooting of the 3-gun! Looking forward to seeing all of you.

Yea right Mel,

A 749/53x's last Sunday in 3 Gun, I wonder WHO could be making Guns like that, if your own brother didn't ?!?!?
Well, this is getting interesting. Ken and Cherie might be coming. I hope so, it's been too long since we have seen Cherie.

Mel, a 749/53x, wow, great shooting. I'll make the same offer to you I made to Gordon. I'll be glad to clean your sporter before the match.

Pete, I liked Gunfight at the O.K. Coral. But my favorite old western was High Noon(1952) staring Gary Cooper as Marshall Will Kane and Grace Kelly as his girl. In our remake I, of course, would take the part of the GOOD Marshall, Penny could do Grace Kelly's part. We all know who would play the part of the BAD GUY from out of town don't we!!!

The "Ballad of High Noon" ("Do not forsake me oh My Darlin") has got to be on of the great theme songs of all time. What do you think Michael? Perhaps you could get a tape of this song and play it good and loud right in back of you know who's bench.

Michael, one more thought. It's probably a little late but you should rent some bleachers and charge admission. Sell hot dogs and stuff too.

Keep Smile'n, Al :D
Al,Do you think all that sporter cleaning might be a little taxing on a OLD SHOOTER.How old are you?
Not at all Mel,

I'll tell you how I do it, but remember, I have intellectual property rights to the process.

As to cleaning I would use some very fine sandpaper. This takes the ring around the collar and and lead fowling out PDQ. One or two passes is all it takes.

I also offer a barrel ringing service. I use a 3 pound hammer and you don't even have to take the bbl/Acton out of the stock.

Al,It sounds like a real deal but ,My big worry is the Heat 90+ working that hard swinging a 3 pound hammer?
Joe,I think Al is trying to work a head game,No more talking to him until after the match.Come on out and shoot with Us.
Mel, it would be worth it just to watch, helping to keep the fuel going between matches. The way I've been feeling lately with heat like that, I would be a shriveled up prune by the time it was all said and done.

Yeah, you got to watch Al, he can be cunning and mentally tough. You need your A game come this weekend.

Thanks for the offer,

Crafty,Cunning,Mentally Tough. I thought he was just a good shooter. I ain't scared yet. But that spotting me points is still in the back of my mind. Wonder if the offer might still be there?
If Penny was to give a jar of her Hot Dog relish to the winner it would make me try a lot harder. (That stuff will make a bad Hot Dog taste great)
Crafty,Cunning,Mentally Tough. I thought he was just a good shooter. I ain't scared yet. But that spotting me points is still in the back of my mind. Wonder if the offer might still be there?
If Penny was to give a jar of her Hot Dog relish to the winner it would make me try a lot harder. (That stuff will make a bad Hot Dog taste great)

There you go again, picking on this 'ol decrepit senior citizen. You forgot to mention, Tall & handsome.

If 5 points and 10 Xs isn't enough I could up the offer a bit. :p

If our stock of that great relish allows maybe I could talk Penny into donating a jar to the 3 target winner. That way we would be bringing it back home anyway!!! ;)

Gordon,If we bring a pound of Nathans & a portable grill we can serve Hot Dogs & relish.