IR 50/50 Change in management

Bill Wynne

Active member
I spoke with Bill Hinegardner by phone today for the first time and I found him to be delightful. His enthusiasm about 50/50 is contagious. He intends to help us keep 50/50 simple and fun. Wilbur retains Bill's efforts will be focused on the running of 50/50. I suspect that there will be some subtle rule changes in the near future that will enhance the game.

All of us who like to shoot 22 Benchrest should enjoy shooting 50/50 next season.

Wilbur has chosen well. That is what good men do.

Concho Bill
Bill's good man. Let's see how this year ends, before we get on to next year. Rule changes? What rule changes?
Bill W. No disrespect to you, but information about this change comes in dribbles, and indirectly. Why didn't we get a statement from either Wilbur or Bill H. , up front. Was IR50-50 sold, turned over to Bill H. to manage or some other "fuzzy" arrangement. Quite a few shooters and Match Directors have been with IR50-50 for a long time and deserve much better than the way things have been for quite a while. best wishes to all, glynn
Something I would change:

I would change the protocal for handeling rifles. There is a strict bolts out rule in all the Benchrest Games I have played. Once a bolt is out, there is no way a rifle can be discharged so I see no problem in allowing a rifle on the line any time the bolt is out and nobody is dowm range. I have shot 50/50 at three different venues and all use the same format for rifles up and down. Disqualification is an absolute for a bolt being in a rifle when it is not in the course of shooting a match.

I don't like the whole process used for beginning the match in 50/50. In the Centerfire Disciplines I have shot in, it is far more simple and smooth so I would emulate the Centerfire Process with regard to rifles and beginning a match. I don't get the Bolts In and then the big lull before anything else goes on, What is the point of Blots In? Simply asying, Ready on the right, Ready on the left, Ready on the firing line, Commense Fire after a five second intervil between those commands sure does seem a whole lot simpler and smooth and less complicated to me. Bolts are always out unless in the imediate process of shooting a match.

I think it would make sense to have a Universal Protocal for gun handeling and beginning all Benchrest shooting matches.
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I don't know anymore about the change than any of you do. I was just trying to tell everyone that I had a conversation with Bill and I from what he said I believe that he will try his best to take care of business. I really don't know anything about any changes.

All I know is that Bill owns the 5050 game now. We will find out more from Bill himself.

Concho Bill
(Quote)"I suspect that there will be some subtle rule changes in the near future that will enhance the game."

Bill, above is a sentence from your post. That's the reason I asked, because you mentioned it in your post.
(Quote)"I suspect that there will be some subtle rule changes in the near future that will enhance the game."

Bill, above is a sentence from your post. That's the reason I asked, because you mentioned it in your post.

I understand why you asked Kent. I only suspect that the first of the year would be the right time for a new owner to make changes and I don't think any will be too great. It is not going to be IR 40/40 or anything like that. I can think of a couple of minor changes that could be considered.

I like the bolts out suggestion to match with centerfire BR and I can see fewer than four shooters at a match on a bad weather day at a small range. The limint on the scope on sporters might be up for review. Changes in these areas or not would bouther me or most of us.

Please don't try to read too much into this because I know no more than you. I was not told anything about anything. I don't know how I can say it any plainer. I should have said in my first post that I spoke with Bill on the phone and I like him and then I should have stoped.

Concho Bill
Bill, you're going into a movie. Right in front of you some guy turns around and ponders "I sure hope there's not a fire inside". What do you think? As a moderator, would'nt you give some pause about the perils of unsubstantiated speculations. You seem intent on answering questions nobody is really asking.
Perhaps we should reserve our search for answers to the unasked questions to politics and the stock market? No?
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I would change the protocal for handeling rifles. There is a strict bolts out rule in all the Benchrest Games I have played. Once a bolt is out, there is no way a rifle can be discharged so I see no problem in allowing a rifle on the line any time the bolt is out and nobody is dowm range. I have shot 50/50 at three different venues and all use the same format for rifles up and down. Disqualification is an absolute for a bolt being in a rifle when it is not in the course of shooting a match.

I don't like the whole process used for beginning the match in 50/50. In the Centerfire Disciplines I have shot in, it is far more simple and smooth so I would emulate the Centerfire Process with regard to rifles and beginning a match. I don't get the Bolts In and then the big lull before anything else goes on, What is the point of Blots In? Simply asying, Ready on the right, Ready on the left, Ready on the firing line, Commense Fire after a five second intervil between those commands sure does seem a whole lot simpler and smooth and less complicated to me. Bolts are always out unless in the imediate process of shooting a match.

I think it would make sense to have a Universal Protocal for gun handeling and beginning all Benchrest shooting matches.


In 50/50 the only time bolt is in the rifle is when actually shooting. I don't know but would speculate that the insert bolts command is a courtesy to those who need a tool or small screw driver to insert/remove their bolt. They would be at a disadvantage if there were a problem with the bolt. The command insures that the line is indeed ready to commence fire.

I have to agree that the game is good as is. Change for the sake of change just confuses.

Ken Henderson
Bill, you're going into a movie. Right in front of you some guy turns around and ponders "I sure hope there's not a fire inside". What do you think? As a moderator, would'nt you give some pause about the perils of unsubstantiated speculations. You seem intent on answering questions nobody is really asking.
Perhaps we should reserve our search for answers to the unasked questions to politics and the stock market? No?

You are so right on, Tim. I just didn't think of how respected a "Super Moderator" is. The truth is, I only think of myself as a guy who likes to shoot and kid with my friends. About the movie theater. I would see if I smelled smoke or saw flames before I entered.

But then, why are we arguing? Isn't this only a game created by some guys who enjoy shooting? Yes? I haven't tried to advise anyone on a stock lately although I have expressed my views on politics some.

Concho Bill
You are so right on, Tim. I just didn't think of how respected a "Super Moderator" is. The truth is, I only think of myself as a guy who likes to shoot and kid with my friends. About the movie theater. I would see if I smelled smoke or saw flames before I entered.

But then, why are we arguing? Isn't this only a game created by some guys who enjoy shooting? Yes? I haven't tried to advise anyone on a stock lately although I have expressed my views on politics some.

My only reason for posting is that the poor guy just got started. Any change, by nature, involves a certain amount of aprehension. As for other stuff, buy Apple and short Democrats.
I think you may have missed my point:


In 50/50 the only time bolt is in the rifle is when actually shooting. I don't know but would speculate that the insert bolts command is a courtesy to those who need a tool or small screw driver to insert/remove their bolt. They would be at a disadvantage if there were a problem with the bolt. The command insures that the line is indeed ready to commence fire.

I have to agree that the game is good as is. Change for the sake of change just confuses.

Ken Henderson

I have been shooting Benchrest for about 15 years, beginning with running some IBS Rimfire shoots for three years and then shooting in IBS Score matches all over the East for the past 11 years. I reallly didn't need an explanation of why Bolts Out.

I can live with Bolts In Pause Ready on the Right, Ready on the Left, Ready on the firing line Commense fire. I just find it odd that 50/50 would find the need to be so different form even the protocall taught in the NRA Range Officer's course. The ready on the right, Ready on the left, Ready on the firing line, and Commense Fire is practically universal in the shooting world. I have watched people without Bolt releases take their bolts out and I would be surprised if it took over ten seconds.

I don't want to fight over this and I can live with whatever the rules are but I find the scrambel to bring rifles to the line that are absolutely safe could be changed without harming anything. Simply being able to set a boltless rifle on one's setup after everyone is back from Downrange I feel is a plus to the program; that was mostly what I was trying to say.


Pete Wass
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