IR 50/50 – 3 Gun & Unlimited SOTY Matches - Easthampton Fish & Game - Sat. Sep 17th

Gordon forgot the cookies but Mel's 6 groove sure brought it. Gordon took the 3 gun with a 747 (unsure of the x count). Mel and Gordon sharing the same rifle shot a 999 combined in the 2 gun events. Melvin shot back to back 250s with a nice X count and Gordon shot a 249 and a 250. In sporter, Eck sporters took 1st and 2nd (myself and Gordon) with a couple of 248s. Conditions were less than ideal; Switchy winds with lots of up and down drafts. Those Rock Creek 6 grooves gots lots of butter fat in 'em. The cream just keep rising to the top. They were handling the wind when lots of other rifles were struggling (including my own).

Why those Eck boys were so excited, they figured they would drive off to Boston instead of NY when they hit I-90. ;)
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Bill,Needed to pick up some lobsters to celebrate.

Mmmmmmm. I love lobster......Mel were you that excited?

Great shooting to the Eck Brothers. "............ Gordon said your tired of that 6 groove already.
Thats what happens when you don't pay attention or your burnt out cooking hot dogs,Those people sure can eat.Thank's to everyone for a good time. Mel
Best hot dogs I ever had -- combination of the fine choices of home-made relish and mustard along with Mel's supreme "grill skills" !!! Thanks Mel and Penny.
