IR 50/50 – 3 Gun & Unlimited SOTY Matches - Easthampton Fish & Game - Sat. Sep 17th



IR 50/50 – 3 Gun & Unlimited SOTY Matches - Easthampton Fish & Game - Sat. Sep 17th

Gates will be open and sign-up begins at 8:00 a.m.
3-Gun starts at 9:00 a.m.
Lunch provided.
UL Match will begin after lunch.

If possible, please let me know if you are coming, through a post here, email, or phone call so I can get a head-count for lunch.

Michael,See you saturday ,Is Al putting up another jar of relish?I hear Penny's relish comes in two flavors.
I'm planning on making my first trip there. Mel speaks highly of the range and folks there. Is there an address I can put into my GPS or else I'll need directions. I hear it's pretty easy to get to.
We will be there!

Mel, ya going to give us another shot at you eh? Is Gordon going to wear his pink cape?

As to Penny's Relish V2, a jar is packed and ready to go. Remember though, she has "intellectual property rights" and would expect her usual "consulting fee." :p

Bill. we will look forward to seeing you again. Below are directions to the range...

Directions to Easthampton F & G

Mass Pike west (or East) to Exit 3 – Westfield.

Take Route 10 North – Go approximately 7.3 miles. Past Opa Opa Steakhouse and Brewery, past Gunn road on left & right.

Next left…dirt road… is Easthampton Fish & Game. There is a sign for the club but it is hard to see until you’re on top of it.

When you get to the club house the driveway to the range is to the left of the house.

Al :D
Sounds like there's a strong possibility for 2 relays even with all the benches open, and we haven't even heard yet if Todd and Tim are coming. Like days gone by up at Pinnacle, along with many other ranges. Just goes to show how nice a range Easthampton really is. A true gathering spot for those of us with a common interest.

See everyone bright and early on Saturday.

Dave,Easthampton Is a nice range, But Michael makes it a great place to shoot .
We've got 12 benches, so we'll see if we have to go two relays.

Mel -- Thanks for the kind posts. You did it perfectly. I'll have your $20 payment for you on Saturday.

Al - thanks for posting the directions. Bill you can also throw: +43° 10' 17.34", -73° 21' 58.14" into your GPS. Glad you can make it.

Looking forward to seeing y'all.

Count me in, this sounds like too much fun to miss! Somebody might have explain to me how to shoot a powder burner again, though. It's been awhile!
Please count me in also. Just for 3 gun.
Thank You,

No doubt about Michael making the matches what they are!!!! He's always been a good guy to be around ...or is it Maryellen who's making him what he is? You know, all smiles and relaxed.


Looking forward to seeing you again, but, I gotta say, the best part is gonna be - it's not going to be 108°!!!!! In fact, from everything they're saying it will probably be closer to half that when we arrive.

Al can you take a picture for us ? I will send you a box of Gordon's and Mel's favorite cookies ?

Tuna, if those cookies are Gordon and Mel's favorite they must be good. They know good food when they taste it. Your on! How would you like me to pose him???? :eek:

Tuna, if those cookies are Gordon and Mel's favorite they must be good. They know good food when they taste it. Your on! How would you like me to pose him???? :eek:

Any picture in a pink cape will qualify....Maybe he will bring you a sample or two .....
Looking forward to shooting with you folks again. Hot Dogs and Pennys Relish is something i can't miss. Not sure about Pink Cape Photos.
Al watch out for Tuna He could be a Shark. You know how people have all kind of crazy names they post under.
If we are having hot dogs Penny is going to bring some of her home made mustard. Good stuff, use it sparingly, it does have a bite.

I hear Mel is bringing some of that Counterfeit Penny's relish? :rolleyes:

Ya Gordon, I'll watch out for Tuna. I have a swordfish spear around here that will do the trick if needed. Thanks for the warning about screen names, I hear some posters even take the name of gods.
