Iowa 1000yd Matches 1 & 2



Iowa held matches 1 and 2 on sat 4/19. We were lucky to get both in. It rained Thursday and Friday leaving a sea of mud for the target crew to go through to get down range and the shooters got to shoot over about 500 yards of water. With out Randy, Matt and Joel Bonnett and the rest of the target crew we would never have been able to get the matches in. Thank you guys!!! We will post some pictures a little later in the week.

Match day was an overcast and cold day, with some tough conditions throughout the day. Complete results will be posted on our web site in a day or two, .

Following are the match winners:

Match 1
Light gun-Group – Al Forbes 6.549
-Score – Daryl Kopriva 39
Heavy gun-Group- Lee Fischer 5.811
- Score- Christina Thielen 87
Varmint gun-Group-Al Forbes 5.496
-Score-Tracy Ross 46

Best Group and Score: LG Dean Walther 5.477, Howard Haynes 47, HG Lee Fischer 5.788, Christina Thielen 97 and Varmint Al Forbes 5.496, Tracy Ross 46.

Match 2
Light gun-Group – Daryl kopriva 5.199
- Score – Al Forbes 42
Heavy gun-Group- Lee Fischer 6.470
-Score- Mike Eshleman 86
Varmint gun-Group- Howard Haynes 14.430
-Score- Tracy Ross 40

Best Group and Score: LG Bob Pastor 5.193, Al Forbes 49, HG Lee Fischer 6.47, and 96, Varmint Howard Haynes 14.43 and Tracy Ross 40.

The Overall Club awards go to Lee Fischer – Two gun and Heavy gun and Dean Walther Light gun.

Congratulations to all the winners for some great shooting.

We would like to thank all the shooters for braving the weather and high fuel cost to come to the Matches. The competition was great and all had fun. A couple of additional items, Al Forbes we were glad to see you, making a last minute decision to come, some awesome shooting. Joe with the way your bullets (Hornady) are performing and the way Christina is shooting – she needs her own gun!! And Regan what happened to your guns????

Our next Matches 3 & 4 are on May 17th, hope to see you all then.

Christina beat Joe with his own rifle...... again :D

Daryl K. good shooting man!

See all my western friends in the fall either at the IBS or NBRSA Nationals. I'll be at both matches. Hopefully will be shooting 600yd this weekend.

Maybe Regan finally wore that damn barrel out that he has woopped us with the last several years. That is the last time I ever suggest to anyone that they remove a particular barrel and bullets and set them in the closest only to be used for the big matches. That was in 2005. You can't argue against magic dust on certain barrels and buckets of bullets!!

I think that eventually Joe is going to figure out that it is Christina's gun and Joe is going to have to get his own:D

Good shooting all.

Way to go Christina. Someone has to carry team Hornady. I heard some rumblings/grumblings about another rifle Sunday night. Joe was complaining/bragging about you. When you guys have been married 20 years or so he'll get used to the fact that your the better half.

Not sure what's happened to Regan. Must have lost his only pair of Big Boy underwear.

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to the people for running a great match. I know the fish couldn't have been too happy about all the shooting in the flooded river bottom but I had a good time tormenting them. I look forward to another trip or two this summer.

Great match, good food, lots of muddd:D Had a great time you guys put on a first class match. Who do we need to pay for all the Iowa dirt (MUD) we packed home to Missouri:p

Looks like Joe should load and caddy for Christina :p

Hope to see some of you at the Missouri Benchrest this week-end.
Yes Bob you are correct in Match 1 you shot the 87 in the Heavy gun shootoff and won Score. Sorry about that.

man i say Bobs name show up and knew he was going to tell all of us what the real deal was with those little hoses:rolleyes:
Hi Joe

Since there is never any wind, rain or cold weather in Iowa, I have absolutely no excuse for the 14" group. When are you going to come out to the wild west to shoot?

They are planting Iowa wind flags next week.

Hi Neil,

I'm still unpacking the camper so I haven't gotten a chance to go over them yet. I've got 9 barrels to chamber for a Canadian F Class shooter who is down for the week but I will get to them one evening this weekend.

It was really good to see you last weekend.
