IOR Valdada 40X45 BR Rifle Scope Part 2


Well-known member
This is the second part of my post about the Valdada 40X45 BR scope.

Not being experienced in writing product endorsements I forgot to mention some things that may be of interest to shooters.

For one thing I didn't write this to endorse the product but to inform other shooters of a scope that isn't often seen in RFBR.

I'm not trying to say this, or any scope is better than another or that anyone should switch from what they are using now. I just want everyone to know there are options.

The tracking I didn't mention in my first post, and I should have. Shooting at the same distances 50 yards and 50 meters RFBR shooters aren't too concerned with this but maybe we should be.

I tested the Valdada and if I did it right it worked great.

What I did was shoot a round then dial the scope up 20 clicks, shoot another round and dial the scope 20 clicks to the right then shoot another round and dial the scope down 20 clicks shoot another round then dial the scope 20 clicks to the left.

At this point I was hoping to be back to where I started. Low and behold I was, the last shot hit the first hole. This may or may not be the best way to test tracking, but it impressed me.

Another thing I didn't mention was the brightness and clarity of the Valdada. I did mention that my Night Force was perhaps too bright under certain conditions and the Kahles seemed to be better for my eyes to prevent eye fatigue.

I believe the Valdada is every bit as clear as the Kahles and maybe a little better but not as bright as the Night Force. For me that is a good thing.

With all this said the very best part of the Valdada other than its rock-solid build quality is the feel of the clicks in the turrets. Dialing those turrets feels like you are dialing a bank vault safe. They are miles better than any others I know of. Add this to the tracking and you have a high quality RFBR scope at less cost the Night Force or Kahles. As I said before another option for RFBR shooters.

They have earned a great reputation for quality in cf br as well. The glass was excellent in the couple I've seen. Some models are on the heavy side if weight is a consideration and some take a different ring diameter, but I don't recall the size. Just pay attention to these things when shopping them. Not all models are as big and/or heavy as others.
When I wrote this post did not know that over on Snipers Hide they all hate IOR Valdada scopes.

Read all the post and it is clear many have had bad experiences with IOR Valdada.

Seems resale value may be an issue for anyone wanting to sell one.

Mine, so far, has been perfect but do your research before deciding to buy one.

It seems most of the SH crew B**** about the variables and/or reticle selection.
The Serious BR guys seem to love them.
Today at our winter BR league, looked through my buddy’s new 40X with the floating reticle…..nice.
He got it new @Bear Basin and was told it was the last new one in USA.
I tend to think if the BR scopes had issues you’dbe able to find one……you cannot.
I wouldn't worry about it Tony.
I absolutely love both of my fixed 36x Valdada scopes. I have so much confidence in it, that’s what was on my rifle that I took to France for the WBC this year. The other one I have is a floating dot model I’ve contemplated selling just because I prefer the crosshairs. I’d buy a 40x without hesitation.
I didn’t want to say anything but since it’s been brought up. I had a 9-36 years ago great optics and features that at that time nothing else had. I loved it until I started having tracking and point of impact shifts. I tried to call and could never get a hold of anyone. I was fortunate a optics’s company traded me out of it and I only lost around half what I had in it. But maybe now days if you had an issue it wouldn’t be a problem. I’ll steer clear of em. Nightforce,March, Sightron for me. I Actually think the Sightron competition’s are the best value out there today and the optics are good way better than their 1” tube stuff. Which I also have.
A friend bought a used 40 and had an issue with it. They replaces it with a new one. Nice scope, from what I have seen with his at least.

Surprised to hear of problems. Their reputation is for being rock solid but anyone can make a bad..anything too.