Interntional BR Barrels

Stephen Perry

New member
This Thread ought to blow the cork off your wine/vodka/beer/saki/tequilla Canadian Club bottles. What the hey what do you foreigners use for BR barrels. Do you all do as we all do in the States and go for the standards - Hart, Krieger, Bartlein, Shilen. Or what snake poison barrels that come out of Bangcock do you foreign types use that we over here in the civilized BR World never hear about. I have allot of BR bud friends in Australia, hey bubs what do you guys use. I don't know many BR shooters in the rest of the Socialist BR world, he what you guys shoot. Hey Oriental guys are you all Krieger guys or what. Hey Gammon you Canadian guys got any barrel besides a Bartlein now. Ooye.

Good Super Shoot Thread have at it guys tear this one up.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR
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We have some barrel makers here but only 2 stand out and that would be Rob MacClennan from Ontario and Ted Gaillard from Alberta
Sorry to

We have some barrel makers here but only 2 stand out and that would be Rob MacClennan from Ontario and Ted Gaillard from Alberta

rain on your parade Bill but Ted Gaillard is from THE GAP aka Saskatchewan.

I have only shot Ted's barrels as they are easy to get without all the Export BS. Some of our best local shooters shoot his barrels and do quite well with them. It would be nice to see one of his barrels on a rifle of a more CAPABLE shooter than myself.


Ted does make 30's. I would say that yes they are just as good but I have never owned one.

30 cal recoil.............................:eek::eek::eek:

We have the same stuff you guys have. Krigers, Bartleins, Shilens etc. There are some european barrelmakers, but neighter one of them are very popular.

The only difference is that we have to pay double the price or more:rolleyes:

Most of us Kiwis use Kreigers or Shilens. However the problem we have is getting barrels (or anything else for that matter) out of the US because of your export restrictions. Those of us who do a bit of travel will bring barrels back in our luggage. Saves on shipping and export permits and the associated costs.

The others shoot a local brand called TrueFlite. They are big into LR barrels for F-class or NRA style shooting but have been making some very good 6mm blanks of late. But, if we assume a dollar is a dollar wherever you are, our $550 barrel blanks are pretty expensive when you consider you can get a Shilen for $250US.
Our local Maddco and Toblers have been getting a lot more of a look in since the US export restrictions made things all to difficult.

Prior to that anything and everything was on the list... (Hart, Krieger, Bartlein, Shilen, Pac-nor, Lilja, Douglas).

Now lets not get started on actions :rolleyes: ha ha ha

I mainly shoot Kriegers (3) and a Hart in my Bat and Maddco's in my Stolle...the Maddco's are a world class barrel and of the 7 that I've shot in the last 5 years they all have been very accurate barrels.

For long range shooting in Australia, the most common barrel is Maddco, followed by True-flight. Others used are Tobler, MAB and Sprinter.
Over seas barrels seem to be more common in short range BR than in long range (F class/Full bore) shooting.
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Thanks Brother BR Bubs

Good start. Now lets analyze your manufactuers. What twists do they prefer. Chrome Moly as common as Stainless? What size rail barrels long ones medium or short and common diameters-1.25, 1.35, 1.45 or more.

Lou Murdica and myself would like to know. Lou is one of my kind, mean and ugly. ooye.

Stephen Perry
Angeles BR
All the usual twist rates, no real specialities. I dont think they go faster than 7" twist in anything, though slow twists such as 18" for 30BRs etc or 72" for muzzle loaders are usualy available. When I was looking at building a .600 Overkill, I found that 50 cal is the biggest made in Australia.
I dont think they make barrels longer than 32" here, so the match rifle shooters who want a 34" barrel usualy get something from over seas, usualy Border.
Any size diameter is available, but 1.25 is the standard here
Stainless steel seems to be about the only thing going for target barrels, but some hunting barrels go for Crome moly. I would say the trends would be the same as in the U.S.
Oh yeah, they dont make .14 cal barrels here, I had to get that one from USA.
I just noticed the thread was for BR barrels. In Australia, I would say it about the same as USA, but usualy twist rates are not available in decimals, so it is 13", 14" twists, various land/grooves, but no 13.25 or 13.75 etc
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