IMR8208xbr test


I had the good fortune of getting down to the Phoenix benchrest match this past weekend a day early so I could do some practicing. So I decided to setup my Oehler 35 chronograph and test my temperature/powder setting chart for accuracy at the roughly 1600 foot elevation of the Ben Avery range and the temperature of 80 degrees.

After confirming the data, I happened to walk past my buddy Larry L.'s loading bench and saw he had a gold labeled powder bottle sitting on his table. I had to see if my eyes had deceived me. They hadn't. Larry was in possession of about half a pound of the new IMR8208xbr powder. So I went over to talk to him about it. After chatting a minute or two, he suggested we chrono some of it and make a comparison to N133. I had some '07 N133 in my hopper and was throwing about 28.2 grains so Larry got out his scale and weighed out 28.2 grains of the gold label powder. I put it into my cases between some Wolf MSR primers and some Bruno 68 oo Bt bullets. I had five rounds of each and commenced to shoot them over the chrono.

Now, before I give the results, I had better back up a bit. I went down to this match with two barrels that were on their lasts legs. My freshest barrel was a Bartlein that had about 1550 rounds through it and the other barrel was a Krieger with 1700+ rounds through it. So I figured I would shoot the Bartlein in the match and shoot the Krieger for my powder testing. The Krieger still seems to shoot quite well but it's not near as good as it used to be. However, the first group with the IMR8208xbr load was quite surprising. I never went downrange to measure it but it was certainly in the low ones and four of the five were around a mid zero! This group was the best group the barrel shot all day and it was good enough to make me forget about the fact that the chronograph said it was only going 3022 feet per second! The same charge of N133 (28.2) went through the chrono at 3245 fps. That's a difference of over 200 fps!! Wow.

Now Larry said that he had been shooting 31.1 grains of the gold label stuff through his gun and it really shot well with that load so I had him throw me five more charges at that weight into my cases. I was amazed to see that 31.1 grains came about half way up the neck of my ppc Lapua brass! It is definitely packing tighter in the case than N133 does. I can't get 31 grains of N133 in there even with an 8" drop tube. XBR easily fits and would probably be able to go as high as 31.8 grains or so.

Anyway, I seated the Bruno's and went to the line. The heavier charge shot 3388 fps and there was no pressure. That's quite a jump of velocity. The group wasn't all that great but that is not the powder's fault. I have never had good groups with oo Bt bullets pushed over 3300 fps in three different barrels I've tried them in so it was no surprise here. But for a different bullet, I think you could easily attain 3450 or better and probably see no pressure signs.

I was quite impressed with the new powder. It seems to have been specifically designed to fill up a Lapua brass to the neck half-way mark with an above 30 grain load yielding great velocity with substantially less peak pressure. And it was noticeably cleaner burning than N133 too.

Come January, I hope to get my hands on my very own gold label bottle and do some more testing..............

In the meanwhile, thanks to Larry for letting me use some of your pixie dust.;)
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That is interesting. So, it seems by weight, the new powder is actually a little slower than 133, but since it is denser, you can get enough in a case to work in an upper load window.

I chronographed my '03 133 last weekend, and 28.8 grns yielded an average 3360 out of my 21 1/2 inch barrel with a 65 grn Barts BT. 30.4 yields an average 3440.

I have "two Hazmats" worth of the new stuff on order at Brunos, when he gets it, we will..........jackie
That's a difference of over 200 fps!! Wow.

Now Larry said that he had been shooting 31.1 grains of the gold label stuff
through his gun and it really shot well with that load so I had him throw me
five more charges at that weight into my cases. I was amazed to see that
31.1 grains came about half way up the neck of my ppc Lapua brass! It is
definitely packing tighter in the case than N133 does. I can't get 31
grains of N133 in there even with an 8" drop tube. XBR easily fits and
would probably be able to go as high as 31.8 grains or so.
The new IMRXBR has quite a bit higher bulk density than V133 so comparing
volume for volume is not a good comparison. For example, 52.5 clicks of V133
weighs 28.5 grains while the same volume of XBR weighs 30.0 grains. A case
full of XBR will give quite a bit less velocity than a case full of V133.

What is really going to be interesting when the new stuff gets on match
grade paper is 1)will it be more accurate at that slower velocity than V133
is at any velocity, and, 2) will it be more stable than V133 as to holding tune from
8AM through 4PM as the temperature swings some 40-50 degrees on some ranges.

I feel the answer will be yes in both of the above situation.

I was fortunate to recieve samples of the new powder direct from Hodgdon and distributed it to a few shooters at Ben Avery. 51 on the Bruno powder measurer gave me 3095 surprisingly when I hit 55 clicks and my 68 bt double o i got 3455 was i surprised. I did go to 56 clicks, tough to get it in the case and hold a bullet with lite neck tension, however their was no pressure showing on the cases. I did shoot some good groups in practice .135 and .145 back to back @ 53 clicks however i did not check velocity. I put the powder in 7 or 8 shooters hands so hopefully we will get a few reports. Please do not try the high velocity loads unless working the load up slowly since all barrels are different. Hodgdon will release the powder sometime in January and i am taking back orders. Sorry i do not have a current price and i will not ship without confirming first. I do have a few more pounds to distribute however it will be in small quantities and you will have to be in Phoenix to pick up. Good shooting to all.

Lester Bruno
In my 21 inch Bartlein GT/6 PPC

This new powder gave the following velocity at 51 degrees F.
Bishop 65 gr. bullet. 31.0 gr.= 3315 SD 13
Wolf sr primer 30.7 gr.= 3299 SD 7
30.4gr. = 3266 SD 6 Good shooting...James
I was chatting

the other night with a fellow from Australia. I understood him to say that the 8208 allready existed there and he gave a number for it. If that is so, we have been missing out, eh?

Isn't this supposed to be a brand new formula, something that has NOT een available untill now?? A lot of shooters claimed it was going to simply be Benchmark 1, but that was shot down by people who are pretty up on this sort of thing.

I am sort of excited about this stuff coming out. Granted, we have all had our share of success with 133, but that success has come with a pretty high aggravation factor.........jackie
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Pete and Jackie

Go back an search the archives. Someone posted the press release by Hodgdon about this powder. It is an existing product but it has not till now been available to the US market.

I think it may have been Butch or Lou. I have a copy on another computer. I'll post it if I can remember later.
That is interesting. So, it seems by weight, the new powder is actually a little slower than 133, but since it is denser, you can get enough in a case to work in an upper load window.

Yes Jackie. I believe that is the case. In a Hodgdon flyer I picked up at Bruno's after the match, they said it would be slightly slower than H4895. Couple that with smaller kernels and higher density and I think this XBR stuff will give us what we want.
The new IMRXBR has quite a bit higher bulk density than V133 so comparing
volume for volume is not a good comparison.

Correct. That is why we weighed out 28.2 grains of each powder to test in a fair manner.

I didn't load XBR to it's max, but I think it will be capable of matching any speed you can get with N133 and maybe even surpassing it without blanking primers or causing excessively hard bolt lift. In other words, it will be like W760 in a 300 wsm only without the dirty qualities of ball powders.
I was fortunate to recieve samples of the new powder direct from Hodgdon and distributed it to a few shooters at Ben Avery. 51 on the Bruno powder measurer gave me 3095 surprisingly when I hit 55 clicks and my 68 bt double o i got 3455 was i surprised. I did go to 56 clicks, tough to get it in the case and hold a bullet with lite neck tension, however their was no pressure showing on the cases. I did shoot some good groups in practice .135 and .145 back to back @ 53 clicks however i did not check velocity. I put the powder in 7 or 8 shooters hands so hopefully we will get a few reports. Please do not try the high velocity loads unless working the load up slowly since all barrels are different. Hodgdon will release the powder sometime in January and i am taking back orders. Sorry i do not have a current price and i will not ship without confirming first. I do have a few more pounds to distribute however it will be in small quantities and you will have to be in Phoenix to pick up. Good shooting to all.

Lester Bruno

Thanks Lester.
On a side note, have you gotten good accuracy with your 68 oo bt going over 3400?
Go back an search the archives. Someone posted the press release by Hodgdon about this powder. It is an existing product but it has not till now been available to the US market.

I think it may have been Butch or Lou. I have a copy on another computer. I'll post it if I can remember later.

The flyer I picked up said that XBR was being made by the Australian Defense manufacturing company. It also said something to the effect that Lou and the engineers were trying to duplicate old T powder and then stumbled upon something that was even better and more stable and decided to fore-go the original 20,000 pound order in lieu of making the new stuff a regular addition to their line of powders.

It would be nice to know the number for that powder someone in Australia gave you. There is only one powder that I can think of that is not imported by Hodgdon that would suit the ppc and that powder would be to fast. The main powders used by us here in benchrest from ADI are Benchmark 1, AR2219(H322) & Benchmark 2(Benchmark). That is the order of burning rate for these powders. Benchmark 2 would be the only one you will get 31gns in a ppc that wont blow your head off.

All these powders are identical in looks and the density is so close you wouldn't know the difference. It would be good if someone over there that has access to IMR8208 could do a test side by side with Benchmark and check velocity and density. Benchmark 1 is too fast.

I have an order in for the new powder. But on the other hand I suspect that it is just a slightly modified Benchmark. The loads published are so darn close to BM that I think it is the same, maybe with a bit more retardent added. If you haven't, try some Benchmark, work up as always, but at about 30.4 grains it SHOOTS. At least in my guns. And also at a bit less, there is a lower node at about 28.6 grains. Don't know the velocity, just that it shoots one hole'ers.

I have an order in for the new powder. But on the other hand I suspect that it is just a slightly modified Benchmark. The loads published are so darn close to BM that I think it is the same, maybe with a bit more retardent added. If you haven't, try some Benchmark, work up as always, but at about 30.4 grains it SHOOTS. At least in my guns. And also at a bit less, there is a lower node at about 28.6 grains. Don't know the velocity, just that it shoots one hole'ers.


Yep, me suspects the same.......

What I have found... Benchmark "acts" like Dupont IMR8208 at the same loading volume in temps from 45 deg to mid 80's.... But Benchmark kinda goes "away" at temps > 92 deg.
Really gets weird once Humidity get below 30% and temps > 95 deg... Kinda like 133 but not as severe...... At < 30% humidity and temps > 95 deg is where most all lots of 8208 get GOING GOOD!:)

From what I'm hearing, 8208XBR does it all through a WIDE temp range..! Heck Dupont IMR8208 ain't "all that" in cool humid conditions...Just kinda shoots round fat groups...:eek:

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While We Are On The Subject........

Once you get past any coatings and retardents, is there any difference in the base core of any single base extruded powders. For instance, if you strip 8208, Benchmark, 2015, 133, 4895, etc down to the stuff that actually burns, (Nitrocellulose), is it all the same. Or do the various manufacturers have proprietary formulas for their own "nitrocellulose".

I am not talking about double base powders, where Nitro Glyseryn is added, or the "500" series VV series, just single base.......jackie
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It may not be the same

but I recall an Ausie saying several years ago there were two forms of Benchmark available there. I don't remember what the differences were but I suspect one faster than the other.
I'm really disappointed. I was expecting a new manufactured powder.