mike in co
it was not about COINING money. it was about creating the federal resvere banks( PRIVATE CORPORATIONS) and the PRINTING of PARER MONEY( at the time backed by gold in the us tresury).
the federal resrve BOARD is a government agency, THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS are private corporations..that have never paid a single dime in taxes, no list of owners/investors.
and how does this grow the iBS
mike in co
the federal resrve BOARD is a government agency, THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS are private corporations..that have never paid a single dime in taxes, no list of owners/investors.
and how does this grow the iBS
mike in co
And they all worked and paid no income tax. The 16th amendment did not take place till 1913. We didn't have the FED overtaking the Congressional duties of coining money.....and I could go on.
I'm out of this leadoff from the original therad.