IBS Winter Meeting this weekend


I totally understand and agree with what you're saying about the vise/trapping effect. But that part is still illegal, at least it will be here. The biggest point I was trying to make, since I will likely step up and volunteer my time, I need something clearly written.

RStiefel But the sides slide over the top of the BAG. The thing I think would happen if during practice, someone tightens the sides up so the gun is trapped and shoots, 2" smaller are they going to be Honest enough to say I can't do this in a match.

joe salt
Joe I wish I could answer that, but can't. Honesty is something we have to rely on from each individual. The same could be said about the contents in the bags. We hope everyone is in compliance, and trust that they are. I would think, by simple observation, that a stock that is "trapped" in the rest like a vice, would not recoil. Without recoil, I can't imagine a rifle shooting very well. Even the top on a rail gun recoils.

With the seb 3pc system, it does not take much pressure to trap the stock. The problem is, the side bags are way too high and they form around the stock higher than 1/2". The company should offer a bag in which the sides are 1/2", no more, no less...problem solved.
The side bags taper back towards the top from a 1/2" dimension. Perhaps you are referencing the earlier prototype?

Would you happen to have a picture of the bag and your rifle in it? Can't say that I have seen the revised set up. The ones I did see, definitely traps.
RStiefel Buy any chance do you shoot 1000 yard competition in PA. If not Get your organization to OK it and you will be good to go! I don't think people should be DQ'ed that puts a bad taste in everyone's mouth. I do not have a problem with the SEB with a one piece bag. Lot easier to fix, than changing the rules for just a few.

Joe Salt
As of now the Seb 3 piece bag is illegal at Williamsport. This was reviewed by the board at the winter meeting along with other rules that will be brought up to the membership to be discussed. Joe I'll be calling.
You are relentless, Well let me tell you another Thing. I just tried a SEB Max with my MBR Stock, It don't work! The side bags, yes bags slide up the side of the stock When I tried to push them against the stock. Those stocks were designed, So that could not happen with a ONE PIECE BAG. Sorry but in my Eyes not legal.

Joe Salt
If it's people like you that I have to look forward to shooting against Joe, i'll limit my competition to local matches, and re-stock my long range guns for F-Class use where I can use my rest without complaint. I'm finding the IBS and Williamsport to be out of touch with the rest of the sanctioning bodies. I'll join the rather large group of shooters with the SEB rests that have stayed away from the two groups mentioned above. I suppose my money will go to good use at the local ranges. Satisfied Joe?
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News & Special Notices:

Special Notice:

The IBS Executive Board and Long Range Committee interprets the current Long Range rules as approving the 3-piece front bag, provided all other (min. 1/2", be able to lift rifle out of rest) criteria are met.


LR #2: Amend rulebook in Section VII.A.7 (Long Range) to remove requirement of ½” clearance
between a rest’s sandbag container/retainer and any part of the rifle. Replace with “A front
sandbag must maintain ½” in thickness and must be the only means of support at the rifle’s
There was some discussion between the disciplines why this was an issue more for long
range vs. short range. It was explained that the long range rule references the bag surround while
the short range rule (in the definitions) does not.
LR#2 Passed.

Is this enough for the naysayers? I hope so.

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