IBS Screamer Awards

I may in a bad mood today, but I am tired of hearing...

"that is a GREAT idea...you go do it!".

We have a Screamer Sticker program for achievement in all disciplines. My hat is off to Jeff Walker in doing this on behalf of IBS. We have established the program. If you shoot to qualify for this award, contact JW. If you shoot a Screamer and don't want a sticker, don't write to him. Simple.

Jeff Stover
IBS President
I have an idea.
A $10 shipping and handling fee.
I would even put a pink bow on top.
You want a sticker, you get a sticker.......or a patch. "er, whatever?"
Gerry - apparently you did not read my earlier posts. Money had no bearing in the decision. Discretion prevents me from commenting further on your last post. These are the last keystrokes I am expending on this non-issue.
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I like the sticker!

For what it's worth,If the pic in the link in Jeff's original post is what the sticker looks like, I like it. One of those, on my reloading box, would look pretty freakin good.

Matt Guthrie
Thanks to all for the responses.

Yes, the pic is of the actual sticker.

One other thing to note, not only are we awarding to all disciplines, but there is no limit as to how many total are given out each year.

I have been getting applications in and processing them.

---------------Jeff W
Jeff, is it one application for just one sticker or can you do it for than one? …….jim

I think I can answer this question as I mostly designed the form. You will need one form per sticker. The form requires verification by Jeff from results on IBS website so he needs full details for each screamer. You can probably put multiple copies of the form in one envelope though.

Dick Grosbier
IBS Webmaster.
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Dick is correct. One sticker per application please. Yes if mailing in, all apps can be in one envelope or if emailing, multiple attachements is fine.

Also, as much info as you can give me to help me find your results would be appreciated. I am finding it difficult at times to find the shooters in the results for confirmation. A couple things in particular....big one is to make sure the name on the application is the same as the name in the results. Also as I am not as familiar with group and score as I am with LR so I'm sure I will get used to it but I'm having to read all the way through the results to find stuff, so I can really use some guidance.
