IBS Score Nationals

Wayne Shaw

Active member
From a phone conversation, I heard Hal Drake won the VFS, Frank McGee won the Hunter, and Dave Thomas won Varmint Hunter. Also, I was told the conditions both days was challenging to say the least.

Congrats to the winners!

Bill Sargent won the VFS 100 yard match with a 250-24X score, mostly shot in a downpour. I believe Gary Long won Hunter and Dave Thomas won VH.
At 200 yards Rod Morton won VFS, Frank McKee won Hunter and STAYED CLEAN :eek::eek::eek: somehow, and Dave Thomas won VH. Hal Drake won the grand in VFS and surged ahead in the SSOY points chase spanking the nearest competitor, Tom Heiken (sp?) won the Hunter grand, and Dave Thomas won the VH grand. Sunday's match was shot in a howling wind. and THAT is an understatement.
Hats off to Randy Perkowski, Hank Kaulwick (sp?) and all the people at Chippewa Rifle Club for putting on a great match under extremely trying conditions.
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Frank McKee did not win the Hunter grand he won the 200yd only, Gary Long won the 100yd Hunter and Tom Hencken from Missouri won the Hunter Grand.
Frank McKee did not win the Hunter grand he won the 200yd only, Gary Long won the 100yd Hunter and Tom Hencken from Missouri won the Hunter Grand.

Frank did stay clean at 200 along with 3 of the 71 Varmint for Score shooters which should lend some perspective on how difficult 200 yard conditions were

Paul is Correct and detailed results are now posted on the IBS website Lots of photos will be added over the next few days after I catch up on other results and find my camera in the car.

Dick Grosbier
IBS Webmaster
A big thank you goes out to Randy and the rest of the crew at Chippewa. On Saturday it poured for most of the agg, but the target crew hung in tough. Targets started blowing off the backers early on Sunday morning, but the crew was on top of that as well. No more issues the rest of the day. A very nice range to shoot and good folks to boot.

Great shooting Hal! I was totally amazed that anyone stayed clean for the Grand in the conditions that Mother Nature dealt us this weekend. The winners should be proud and I doubt anyone there will forget that match for a very long time. I won't. It was great to meet you and all the other fine people that I was fortunate enough to meet this weekend. This sport is made up of the best people anywhere! Again....GREAT SHOOTING!-Mike Ezell
Thanks Mike, it was great to meet you, and to put faces to names of some other shooters. That's whats so fun about shooting the bigger matches.

Thanks Jeff, while I did shoot that barrel on another rifle, I won the grand with another Bartlein, same specs. Only difference is about 2500 rounds, but the older one is still very competitive.
Congrats Hal

That was great shooting for the conditions we had to deal with. I noticed you was using a tuner, does that mean the rest of us need one? I get the feeling you could win just as easy without a tuner. Keep up the good work. Congrats to all the other winners as well. Jackie
Thanks Jackie, good to see you and Danny again. You had a pretty good weekend yourself.

Francis, while I don't change the tuner setting all that much on either of those barrels, I did change them both on Sunday morning in the warm-up. Both guns were shooting with just a bit too much vertical. I have pretty much figured out what I need to do with them in that case, a quarter turn in and I'm good to go. Another click on the measure would have done the exact same thing though...It was a pleasure sitting next to you and Paul all weekend.

To Hal and the rest of the winners...

How about the Juniors? :confused: Please don't forget to mention them!!!

junior shooters

I've been meaning to get to that Tom. Wayne and Lynn Shaw organized a junior shooter fund for this years score Nationals. With donations from several competitors this year, a pot was raised to help the juniors with their loading materials, etc. Unfortunately, the match kicked off after most of the schools were back in session, so only a couple were present. Shawn Harris and Hannah Bunker battled it out for the top junior award, with Shawn coming out on top. I can't recall the exact numbers, but they both went home with a nice cash award. Congrats to Shawn and Hannah for some fine shooting...Hope to see them in the future along with many more junior shooters.
I've been meaning to get to that Tom. Wayne and Lynn Shaw organized a junior shooter fund for this years score Nationals. With donations from several competitors this year, a pot was raised to help the juniors with their loading materials, etc. Unfortunately, the match kicked off after most of the schools were back in session, so only a couple were present. Shawn Harris and Hannah Bunker battled it out for the top junior award, with Shawn coming out on top. I can't recall the exact numbers, but they both went home with a nice cash award. Congrats to Shawn and Hannah for some fine shooting...Hope to see them in the future along with many more junior shooters.

Congrats to Shawn and Hannah then! Same for Wayne and Lynn for organizing the fund!

Shane wanted to be there to defend his win last year, but as you said, school got in the way...maybe next year we'll have Nationals at a time that will allow more Juniors to attend...

Wayne Lewis & I are home safely, once again. Though, I had a few doubts as we were making our way back to I-77 from the range Sunday evening. Wow, what a wind! The wind almost blew us of the road a couple of times. My most sincere congratulations to Hal Drake, Rod Morton & Mark Engle for their truly outstanding performances in some of the most challenging conditions I've ever experienced. Also, congrats to Frank McKee for his fine performance, shooting clean at 200 in Hunter class.
I would like to thank Randy Perkowski and all the Chippewa crew for doing an outstanding job of putting on the match in such trying circumstances. Everything was handled expediently & competently. I think all the shooters had a great time, and I know I did. I hope Randy & Chippewa will host another Nationals in the future.:)

Another thumbs up! Even with the "conditions", Smokin Joe and I enjoyed the trip up. And, as has already been said many times, Randy and his crew are to be commended on running the match. Congrats to all the winners are in order. I definitely want to shoot at Chippewa again.

Thanks to all the shooters, the workers, and our sponsors for making this shoot successful. The Chippewa Rifle Club was proud to host this event. Congratulations to the winners and I hope everyone made it home safely.