IBS Nationals Day Five - HV100

Just one aggregate to shoot today. It was won by Bob Scarbrough, Jr., followed by Messrs. Costa and Boyer. Conditions started easy and by match 3 got to be "Weikert tricky" with rapid changes.

Thanks to Edna White for again running the Powder Puff competition. We had eleven shooters for that I think. Repeat winner Barb Hottenstein shot a .215" or thereabouts. Nice shooting Barb! Also our gratitude to Kim Amatrudo for donating some of the prizes.

See below:


Thanks also to some shooters new to Weikert and the IBS Nationals. Aussie Paul Sullivan easily won the "Came From Farthest Distance" award. Paul shot very well in HB garnering a solid Top 20. Lowell Frei from UT THOUGHT he was going to win that one. Also, BR regulars Steve Theye and the Canadian "Dynamic Shooting Duo" of George and Vera Carter are first time visitors to the bucolic Weikert Range.

(OK Krupa, what do you have to say about "bucolic" :D).

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Never posted on this (or any other) forum before. Had such a great time at the IBS Nationals I just had to give Kudos where due. Got to know a bunch of people I had met many times but didn't really know, weather was great, match was perfectly run, gerat benchmates (shot next to Tim Reed) and loaded next to Stover. Couldn't get any better. Probably helped that Sporter was a trigger pull which is the only condition I can handle, Dwight delivered a super new Krieger and Scarbrough built me the best stock I have ever had. All of us in the midwest should plan on the IBS Nationals at Holton next year. Thanks for a great week! My poor room mate outshot me all but one day, but didn't get any points.

Steve Theye
Steve. Great post.
Welcome to the club.

Now you need to out post Jack and Joe.

And thanks for the hole in my wallet. You da MAN!
I talk to Steve 4 yrs ago(when he work at Sinclair). Then his heart gave out. Brain Surgery or something.
Finally meet the guy at WWCCA(a year later). And he wins the 2 gun. Claims he has not shot a gun in over a year. BS (he won by a huge a margin).

Steve needs to give seminars like Jack Neary.
And tell us your secrets and other stuff. Ya know help the sport out. Stuff like that.

Tim B.
Steve, I am glad that your experience this past week at Weikert prompted you to write. Other than my mediocre shooting the IBS Nationals were a joy. I have been remiss in not recognizing a couple of other persons that made the shoot a success. By now you all know that Kim Amatrudo was the stats guru. But lesser known is that Gary Amatrudo prepared a highly professional program for the Nationals and printed out cards for each competitor that listed their daily bench rotation. I know how much time and effort went into do that usually thankless job. Gary - THANK YOU.

Also, Roxie Trutt (Mark's mother) takes care of us shooters. One evening, with help from husband George (the guy doing much of the heavy lifting on the range grounds) brought homemade ice cream and fresh baked cake. Rarely have I seen a group of people rave over food! In my wanderings I kept hearing about how great the cake and ice cream was. As we were concluding on Saturday, Roxie brought in a variety of cookies for everyone. In fact when I was grabbing some of her fantastic peanut butter cookies she was getting ready to bake chocolate chip ones. Maybe sweet treats counters sour shooting? Needless to say, Roxie is very popular at Weikert.
