IBS long range front bag rule queston

Charles, No where did i state some one told it was illegal for the IBS, i said by the way it was written. Williamsport is an other story. I do know this would better be addressed at the winter meeting......jim
so ...what has been decied here ....are Farley rests legal ....are Bald eage and Witcita and Butch's Shadetree with tesnion tops and theirt typical owl ear bags legal???...that is what Ihave used for many years and dont want to show up in Kansas or California (esp with gas at 3$ a drop)and not have the right equipment....the way I measure the sand bag around the gun stock seems to be "wrong" or different that what some folks think is legal...I have at least 1/2 inch of sand all the way around the fore end on my 3" gunstocks...gun weight is not an issue ,and most of my stuff only weighs 14-15 lbs...I cant carry a "heavy" gun because of my back/disablity....I shure dont want to pack up my stuff and go somewhere with equipment that I have used/shot with/competed with for 30 yrs and be turned away......Roger
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Expiper does your stock have wood rails like the edge stock has cause the rail don't count as part of the stock it just the sides of the stock that the rule implies.

Joe Salt
Expiper does your stock have wood rails like the edge stock has cause the rail don't count as part of the stock it just the sides of the stock that the rule implies.

Joe Salt

Remember this is for Pennsylvania. IBS and NBRSA *may* be interpreted differently. If you have rails and they are no more than 1/2 inch tall, you'll be fine, unles they are very close to the stock. But if the rails are higher than 1/2 inch, you're likely DQ'd under IBS rules.
Hi Everyone (Joe/Charles)....my stock is convertonal 3" short range benchrest stock....no rails or additions....its a Kelbly .....I just put a "big/biggger" bbl on my point blank gun in a long range cal with a brake....,,usually 28"..and use one of my point blank front rests(Farley/Hart/Bald Eagle,with tension top) and rear bag.,,,,thegun wt is around 13 pounds......Thank you for trying to help me....I want to be legal and cause no problems for myself or anyone else....Roger
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Roger, just do some measurements.

1. With the rest/bags, make sure the top of the bag (where the stock sits) is 1/2 or more above whatever retains the bag on the rest or top.

I can't imagine that a Hart w/ a Bald Eagle top & bag would have any issues in this regard. But when you listed your available rests & bags, you weren't quite specific enough about which bag with which rest. For my LG, I have a Hart pedestal with (1) a Bald Eagle windage top & bag, (2) Hohen windage top & bag, and (3) one of Butch's joystick tops, with a Protektor bag. I also have an early model Farley as a complete rest/top.

But there are different models of bags, and things change as they are filled, so there is no way around checking for yourself.

For rifles I shoot free recoil (up to 6.5/06 AI), I use a joystick. With the Farley & an Edgewood bag, I had to put a spacer between the bag & bottom of the container.

For rifles I hold on to the forearm to shoot -- .30 magnums & .338s -- I use the Hohen top & bag. I had to carefully re-pack the Hohen bag, just to be sure there was *well more* than 1/2 inch between the clamps that secure the bag & the part of the bag where the stock sits.

2. Next, set the rifle up in the rests/bags & check for 1/2 inch up the sides of the stock. You didn't say just which Kelbly stock you had. Most of them don't have "rails" or even fake "rails," so you need to ensure the slop in the bag ears doesn't overhang the stock enough to make contact.

With *my* Edgewood that fits the Farley, the ears are only 1/2 inch tall, and there is no slop to them, so no problem. Same with the Hohen. The Bald Eagle and Protektor bags though, depending on the model & how you've filled them, just might make contact more than 1/2 inch up the stock. Likely it isn't touching too far up, but you need to check. Safest solution BTW is to take the bag to somebody who can sew heavier materials, and have the ears sewn so they won't fill with sand more than one half inch above the part of the bag the stock rests on.

For a Heavy Gun with a mechanical rear pedestal, you've got to do the same measurements.

Hope this helps,
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....I am going to check all this next time I have my guns out here at home.....Thank YOU...Charles...,,Roger
Charles, Doesn't Edgewood make a regular bag with 1/2 ears? would the reinforced bag be legal for IBS ?....jim
I imagine. Why wouldn't it be legal? I need to point out that I don't know anything except for what is written in the rules, and a bit of the history.
Charles, That piece of leather they glue inside can't flex. I know when i had one, it gave me vertical so i ripped it out.........jim
I have a couple edgewood bags with that hard leather under the cordura, I never could get my rifles to shoot right on them and never found a way to get the leather out if the bag.
How did you do if?
I tried that and gave up. The bags have been laying on the shelf for several years now bought some forcepts from the medical supplies table that all the meth junkies go to at the gun shows and thought I might have another go at it with them bout decided theys either glued in gonna hafta heat em up or they was jes stitched in and gonna stay that way.
Interesting topic, Boyd sir!

Jim1K, I can't tell 100% - but your NEO should be OK to use in (IBS or NBRSA?) long range match.
If you see the current version front bag, they are 40mm wide (approx. 1.57", this means more than 1.5" wide) and protude more than 1/2" from the retainer / metal holding it, either horizontal or vertically. The side bags also more thinner to the top (make slight angle) so you are able to lift your gun easily.

3 pc bags vs 1 pc bag.... the 3 pc bags only offer (to accept) more wider range of (various) stock's width, no more. Not to intend to break the rules etc.
If that matters (I doubt it anyway), a 1 pc bag w/ specific width is also available & it's interchangeable with the 3 pc bags in a matter of 1 minute or less.
It's so simple & easy.
Why should worry if recognized world record was shot with multiple front bags also?

I read somewhere in a rule book...'A bag, or combination of bags'..... etc

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Seb: You can have single or stached bags in the rear or if there is no container you can stack them, line them up. what ever! on the front rest. Rule 52.0 PA. rule book says, shots shall be fired with sand bag front rests which may be supported on pedestal. It does say RESTS!

Joe Salt
Seb----where do I get one of your 1 piece bags for my Neo? From Ernie? I am a little concerned that I can't pull my rifle straight up over the side bags. It doesn't seem to matter to what extent I fiil them, they still tend to loop over all of my fore-ends somewhat, which restricts upward movement. I currently am using an MBR Tooley, a Masterclass 1000, and a Precision Rifle & Tool. All of them are effected somewhat. I love the Neo, by the way. It was well worth the wait, but I certainly want to legal. Thank you---Scott
Thanks you Joe!

Scott, you can get the one piece bag from Ernie, it's cheap & works better when you shoot a specific stock width. Available in 3" wide, 2 1/4", and narrow sporter (1.5").

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