IBS Annual Meeting Summary

By the looks of the schedule Byers was selected to host the Nat'ls. Then denied because or rules violations, correct.
My question is where they contacted about the violations, and would they had enough time to correct such things before the Nat'ls?
That's the biggest asinine statement I've read today.

All IBS clubs should be rotated for the Nationals.

BTW, I believe the midwest shooters out numbered the eastern shooters at White Horse this past year.

The only asinine statements I've heard, are the ones coming from all you guys who are piss'n n moan'n and cryin the blues about The Nats. If you had any sense, you'd simply get off yer ass and run your own match. Nobody said you can't run a prize match on your own, did they???? So go collect a bunch of prizes, advertise the match and hold it? And if you think people come to the match just "Cause it's the Nationals", well get a clue. Stop in at Williamsport in July and you'll see that people don't really care what the name of the match is. They care about gett'n to shoot against a lot of shooters, having a good time and having some prizes to win. That's it.

As to the statement that there were more midwest shooters than eastern ones at Whitehorse, I think you're smokin someth'n controlled. Hell, there was probably more people from Williamsport at that match than there were midwestern ones, much less those from the eastern IBS clubs.

With any luck, the IBS won't have western clubs much longer and they'll just go back to being NBRSA (or maybe make a new acronym for themselves!). Here's a solution for you brainiacs, hold an EAST nationals and a WEST one... There, happy now? Call it any damn thing you want...
That's the biggest asinine statement I've read today.

All IBS clubs should be rotated for the Nationals.

BTW, I believe the midwest shooters out numbered the eastern shooters at White Horse this past year.

It is a MAJOR undertaking to run the Nationals or any match of that caliber and not all clubs are prepared range wise and personnel wise to run the Nationals.

The job normally ends up on a handfull of personnel to carry the load and do all the work. Not the mention, there is always enough pissing and moaning amongst the non working shooters about petty crap without having to worry about targets being correct. Learn to run matches IAW with the rules and before you try to handle 140 plus shooters who will want to complain about minor stuff and target issues would just put their panties into a major wad.
Bounty Hunter -

The CRC range at Beyers, CO has already hosted 1000yd Nationals. Their not new to the task, or uneducated to do so, as it seems your are implying.

Far as their "rules violation" (putting paster's on record targets) they had permission from the IBS to do just that, when they came on board.
Now they were asked to change (clean record targets), and they agreed to comply to that change.
They have not ran any matches since being asked/told, and were taking steps ($3000) to modify their target carriers to do just that.

Donovan Moran
I find it extremely difficult to believe that "the IBS" told them they could do that. But having an open mind to surprising possibilities, I ask....who told them that ? What's the name ?


So, from what I gather, you don't want to drive out west either.
You are quite correct. The will serve icewater in hell before I drive across this country. Fly? Sure. Train? Yep. Bus? Fine. Ship? yep. Car? no way...

Oh ya....the "piss'n and moan'n and cring the blues" comment. Trust me....If I was, you'd sure-N-L know it!! I am just asking some questions that don't seem to be getting any answers.
I thought they were all answered by Jeff Stover. They were not?

Each year, invariably, these things come up about the nationals. It is as if everyone is not happy unless there is some controversy. If it ain't one thing it's two. Look at the BRC history and just read all the stuff from the past years. Most if not all, is easily avoidable. Just as this is. To read above, you'd think they the CO club was gonna close this year and next year simply ain't an option... Sheesh.

This particular problem isn't going to go away as long as there is only one "Nationals". The solution clubs out here came up with years ago was to hold a "State Match" at their club. Call it what ever you want, championship match, agg match, money match, whatever. Go shoot and win and help the club. They are fun and with any luck they raise funds for the clubs. The reason there are not more of them is because they are a lot of work and the people who do that work, (such as Bounty Hunter and Jeff Walker above) already know what the cost/benefit ratio is. And, it leans toward cost (of aggravation).
Correct me if I'm wrong, didn't Yukon Mo. have there name in the hat for the Nat'ls as well.

I thought that hosting the Nat'ls at different ranges is a good way to promote the sport.

By the way 4Mesh, it doesn't matter where we shoot the Nat'ls, it is just the way it was handled, that is making people upset.
Yes, Harris, MN had the same target issue BUT the IBS Executive Board only became aware of it a short time before the Nationals, at which time it was too late to do anything.

As far as another bid goes...I called IBS 2nd VP Dick Grosbier after I had a phone conversation with Donovan. Dick told me he only had two bids: Colorado and White Horse. If there was another club that wanted to bid, it did not get to Dick.

I would like to state, too, that the IBS EBoard is not opposed to a Nationals in the west. As you all know, the 1000 yard Nationals have recently been in Iowa and Minnesota. I hope that we will have a 1K Nationals in Colorado. I live in PA, but have been to major matches in NM and AZ. I realize that if we are be a national sanctioning body, the Championships have to be moved around.

Gentlemen: I will reply to this forum only once!
I am match director and VP of Colorado Rifle Club and would like to clarify some of the questions that have come up. Yes we have held 3 NBRSA Natl. at which time we shot sighters on record targets at all 3 and we had competitors from both the East and West coast. This may be a fluke or just open minded competitors but there were no errors or complaints. Thanks Guys! I have been running the 1000 matches at CRC for 15 years most of them NBRSA. Prior to us joining the IBS we consulted with them about shooting sighters on record targets and was told it would not be a problem as long as we used a new target each time. We shoot 3 LG and 3 HG targets at each of or regular match dates. MN did exactly the same thing up until they hosted the Natl. in 2010. We have never been contacted by anyone in the IBS to stop shooting sighters on record targets. It was not until 3 weeks ago when a Short Range gentleman called me to say we had the Natl. to confirm dates at which time he did bring it up and I assured him we would not shoot sighters at the Natl. We had a nice conversation and he said he would pass the info along to a Long Range person. The week prior to annual meeting the Long Range gentleman called me and again I assured him we would change things for Natl. On Sunday the Long Range gentleman called me and ask if I had received Jeff Stovers e-mail. I had not so he said he would forward and in the mean time was kind enough to explain what happened at the meeting and that we did not get the Natl. I will admit I changed my e-mail address in 2011 but I did pass the new address along to everyone that I had previous contact with in the IBS. Evidently everyone did not make the change as others did because they contacted me. The Short Range gentleman also used my old e-mail address but when I did not reply he had enough sense to pick up the phone and call me.
Sincerely, Jim Brummerstedt
I have some good friends that went to Byers when they held the NBRSA Nationals -- Joel Pendergraft once, and Steve Shelp and Dave Tooley several times.

They had a grand time (esp. beating all those NBRSA folk :cool:) and made some good friends. When the IBS Nationals were held at Pella, Iowa, some of the Colorado guys came, and we had a wonderful time time with them. Bill Schrader and Regan Greene shared our loading tent, and brought tables for all of us.

Whether Byers hosts the IBS Nationals this year or next isn't so important, I think. Maybe the economy will be better next year, and more can attend, wherever it is. What is important is to not get our nickers in a twist & start yet one more squabble. As Forrest Gump once said, "it happens."

When Byers does hold the Nats, if you can make the match, go. You'll have a good time, and a good match.

Charles Ellertson.
I thought the whole reason for having a santioning body, is to regulate and monitor our clubs. And if you can't trust the santioning body to do thier job, what do you do? Maybe we need to get rid of the current long range commitee and give each range one vote and the majority wins, at least have a representative from each range, with todays technology we dont have to travel to PA for meeting once a year. We all know the long range committee is a small group of guys that all shoot together at three differnt ranges, we need input from each range. I'm worried about the corruption and the future of 600 and 1000 yard benchrest, these little pissing matches take all the fun out of it. We as a group have to stick together east or west dont matter. There are obivious flaws in the current system. We need to stop bitching and fix it. Since I am one that is bitching, I am going to start a petition to modify existing committee and allow one member from each range on long range committee and no more than one from each range. This will be a good start. If anybody wants to sign let me know.
Most all of those complaining seem to come from the Minnesota club. Why is that? Makes no difference to me, but moving to a one club = one vote wouldn't seem to have changed much.

The Nationals have always been rotated. Neither Fairmont (WV) nor Colorado has hosted one yet, nor has Missouri or Georgia. It'll happen. What's the uproar here?
Question for Jeff Stover I read the minutes but wasn't able to make the Meeting because of a project, but anyway there wasn't anything brought up about the Light Guns going to 10 Shots instead of 5. any comments. Tod Your West of me!

Joe Salt

Maybe it is because I was the only one smart enough to pick up on, or care about, the assinine statement about driving distance being a determining factor in selecting an IBS range for nationals. Maybe I am the only one trying to figure out why, if they are breaking the rules, are the shooters in Co. being allowed SOY points.

Driving distance Has nothing to do with the selection processs.
It's also possible that you're not smart enough to figure out that it _does_ have something to do with it, weather you like it or not. Geography is pretty much a fact. You don't mind driving 2000 miles, more power to ya. Have at'er!

If it is a paster/target issue....seems to me like a pretty simple fix.
So why wasn't it fixed BEFORE putting in an alleged bid for the nationals?
Is it against the IBS rules to have pasters on a record target?
No, you can do anything you like to the record target. Just, if you want it to count, THEN you have to have a clean one. That's all.
I find it interesting that these clubs join the IBS, then people seem to think that they should just drop everything they've been doing for the last 30 years, and just jump through hoops of fire cause "ewwww, the CO club affiliated. We better drop everything and be at their beck and call!"

:No dog in this fight, but, don't mind me if I add my opinion (most probably shared by many) and have a few laughs along the way:


PS. I also have new email addresses often, but, I can still get mail from some of the old ones of 10 years ago... They do have forwarding nowadays, even with snailmail...
I'm not one to usually post things, but I can't help but add my two cents worth! I have been in this game for 15 years and enjoyed most of the years. I was a member of the first IBS 1000yd club (Hawk's Ridge) in which there was approx. 150 members that usually consisted of 10 relays of 12 or more per match. Life was good, we held the Nats. every other year, which required alot of hard work in planning and the gathering of prizes. In our mind the club was strong, usally having 2 to 5 new shooters every match, plenty of money in the treasury, and enjoying our sport that is ALL for fun, since there is no monatary value to winning. Who would have beleived this could ever end? Then one day the club fell like gaint building! Why?? TOO MUCH BITCHING!!! If everyone enjoys this sport that cost us thousands of dollars annually,all for fun, everyone needs to start thinking about future and try to resolve issuses without pointing fingers and anger........... Shannon Lowman
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That's who rem300ack is. Hi Shannon hope everything is well with you and your dad, I'm not pointing fingers just would like to know when the IBS is going to 10 shots in the light gun class? We're all at 17 pounds thanks to yours truly. Now I think the IBS should reciprocate with the 10 shots. And I do agree with you that Hawk Ridge was a great place for the Nationals always had fun with you guys.

Joe Salt
LOL!! Joe, all of your hard work, and everyone else at PA, to uniform the rules was greatly appreciated. I personally don't have a problem with 10 shots, but do you know what problems that would cause?!!! LOL. It would crash computers with just the mention of that!!!! For the record Alvin Johnson is 300ack, I think. Sometimes people get us confused. I hope you aren't to cold up there, we are going to shoot a match in two weeks down in GA. You should come on down, it's 6 hours for us,so add about 10 from me to you. What is a mere 16 hours to have fun?.........
Most all of those complaining seem to come from the Minnesota club. Why is that? Makes no difference to me, but moving to a one club = one vote wouldn't seem to have changed much.

The Nationals have always been rotated. Neither Fairmont (WV) nor Colorado has hosted one yet, nor has Missouri or Georgia. It'll happen. What's the uproar here?

Charles listen to your self(the nationals have always been rotated)the reason other ranges didn't bid was to allow colorado the opportunity, even though I do believe Yukon had a bid, if for some reason Colorado backed out.
The reason Minnesota is bitching is, because the long range committee was on our case all last year telling us to split our relays. We were not breaking any rules. Now there is a change in the point system. Do I think the old way was fair for the ranges out east? NO, now that I am aware of the circumstances. Do I think the new rule is fair? NO. Why wasn't this in the open, so we could all meet in the middle, and figure out a way to make our point system fair for a range with 12 benches or a range with 20. Its not that complex. The way this all happened is why we are bitching. It has nothing to do with geography. These comittees were formed back in the 1970's back when there were two ranges now there are 9 or 10, I think its time to make some changes for the good of the sport. We can not and will not allow a small group of friends to make the rules for all of us. Now that this is in the open I hope we can make some type of change that works for all ranges, even your range.

Now you know why we are bitching. All you had to do is ask, i'll let you know.
Gordy Mitchell
Gordy & Tod why not put all the club names in a hat and draw, that sounds more fare than whats going on. Glad the PA. club and Montana have there own big matches every year. Sounds like Tod doesn't mind driving. There are two big matches for you to go to.

Joe Salt