IBS Annual Meeting Summary

The IBS’ Annual Meeting was held on January 15, 2010 in New Cumberland (Harrisburg), Pennsylvania. Below is super short version of what happened. My full report and PowerPoint is on the IBS web site:


• The organization’s finances are solid.
• The number of competitors in all four disciplines (600, 1000, Score and Group) remained relatively stable.
• Representatives from the each of the discipline committees will sit as ex officio members of the IBS Executive Board.
• Gary Long and others promulgated the format for a Score Shooting Hall of Fame. The IBS EBoard has been working with Gary for some months to help get this new HOF started. Points for both IBS Score and NBRSA Hunter competition count toward membership. Once the inaugural class is inducted the members will run it themselves like the U. S. Benchrest Hall of Fame does. (full details will be on IBS web site).
• New records were shot in all the disciplines.
• Both temporary 2010 rule changes were soundly passed. Wind flags - Flags are essentially restricted to lane in front of shooters. After an aggregate commences flags cannot be moved except by range personnel and never for the shooters' convenience or advantage. Records - If multiple competitors break a record on a given day, regardless of the match they attended or the relay on which they shot, each one is given full credit for breaking the record; the best score shot on that day is recognized record going forward. Rule is not retroactive.
Kim and Gary Amatrudo received the President’s Award for their tireless work to support the group discipline.
• The trial AR class will continue. The EBoard is looking at some marketing opportunities.
• Over 550 benchrest shooters took the time to fill it out. Nearly 500 non-benchrest shooters responded.
• The results of the surveys can be found at the following web link (use IBS as the password):
Benchrest shooters survey:

Non-benchrest shooters survey:

Take away points from the surveys are:
• There is strong interest in growing benchrest
• There is a group of shooters that would like to learn more about benchrest competition (from the non-BR shooters survey)
Cost is an issue for some
• The economy has adversely affected shooter participation
• Shooters would like to have more matches at more ranges (note – we need more shooters to do this)
• The idea of “caliber neutral” (not giving an advantage to larger diameter bullet holes) score in the Score discipline is a 50/50 proposition for current score shooters. There is a large body of shooters (not currently in that discipline) that would like to shoot Score if it were “caliber neutral”.
• The 1000 yard shooters would like to shoot more aggregates
• The DQ rule in long range needs to be looked at
• 65% of respondents to survey would like to see one centerfire benchrest organization (note - there are significant hurdles to do this)

Proposed 2011 Rule Changes

Stationary Backers in the Score Discipline
Rejected by a wide margin were two proposals to constrain stationary backers to Score Nationals and State Championships. These backers are essential in determining whether a crossfire occurred and from which bench.

Muzzle Brakes
The long range shooters voted to allow muzzle brakes the Heavy Gun class. This will allow the Light Guns (which usually have muzzle brakes) to compete in both classes. This change was supported by the Long Rang Committee and endorsed by the EBoard.

600 Yard Competition Rule Amendments were defeated soundly by the long range shooters in attendance. It was deemed as not fully vetted.

Jeff Stover
IBS President

I am writing to once again thank yourself, the IBS Organisation and the Virginia 1000yd Benchrest Club for the past and ongoing support, co-operation and recognition that has been provided for the International 1000yd BR Postal Matches.

During 2010, we had competitors from five Australian Clubs participate in these matches.

Townsville, Murray Bridge Rifle Club, Canberra, Brisbane and the Narromine Dubbo club.

Given the consistent and extremely high standard of his shooting during the year, Virginia 1000yd BR Club president Mr Jeff Green is a very deserving recipient of the 1000yd IBS Shooter of the Year.

dave goodridge
Thanks for your support for the muzzle break rule change.