Ibs 1000yd Nationals



If the shooters going to the nationals are going to get reservations at the bi-centenial hotel they are only going to hold the 40 rooms alloted to the range until this coming monday the 27 th the phone number there is 304 472 5000 you have to reserve with a credit card or it wont be guranteed you will get a room early registration is not as good as we would like to see we would like a good idea how many to excpect and if you do not register by thursday 3:00 pm you will not be able to walk up on friday the first day of the match.
Stan Taylor
There will be a joystick rest given to the lucky winner at the IBS 1,000 yds National. (donated by seb, it's my new 'MAX' rest & as a memoriam to my beloved Uncle Paul Schmid in OH which passed away last August 30th 2008, also to Shelley Davidson which passed away in the same year. Both were great friends to me).
I was told (by Mr. Taylor) that the 2-guns/Overall Winner will get a NightForce scope.
I will let him/the organizer to decide if this rest will be given to the HG Winner, or as a door prize.
(this rest is specially built for Heavy Gun up to 110 lbs & stock up to 8" wide. the rest costs about 1.4-1.5K USD)
I will make sure that the rest/parcel has arrived before August 31.


Some photos of the rest:
This rest (the coaxial unit) is supposed to be Sam Hall's but he does not mind to get a replacement next month. (Thanks Sam!)




This is a comparison between the MAX & my regular NEO rest, side by side.

I will send the rest with a set of counterweights (with various slip-on 'rings', to accept gun weight ranging from 40 lbs to 110 lbs).
I will also include an ammo holder set & clock holder as well.

Any shooters can try the rest and I would love to hear how it works / what you think.
Or just put your gun on the rest top/front bag, 'play' the joystick, adjust the slip-on rings back & forth, use the appropriate ring(s).
(You will easily determine the correct weight/rings once you try the rest).
The counterweight is correct (=well balanced) when the upward force of the joystick is the same with the downward force/motion. Also no matter how heavy is your gun, with correct counter balance weight the 'feel' or force needed to move the joystick will be the same/effortless.
Rest weighs about 44 lbs. Will send with the bags filled.

*Stan, I think it would be better the rest given as a door price (by random drawing) so all participants have chance to win it.
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Update: The rest has been shipped, by Fedex Express, it must be arrived on Wednesday or Thursday, just before the match.
To: White Horse Education Center *(I removed word "Firearms" between the Horse & Education as per our email)
c/o. J.C. Jarrell
Route 6 Box 181
Buckchannon WV 26201

*Stan, please check my small note in the box, under the top cover.
The package weight approx 60 lbs. Front bag (3pc bags adjustable width up to 8") filled.
Included an ammo holder set & counterweight w/ various slip-on rings. Timer/clock holder attached on the left right post.

Please make it as a DOOR PRIZE by random drawing / RAFFLE, at the end of (after) the match.
I hope the winner like it.

Thanks & Good Luck,
I am truly sorry with the fact that the rest/parcel still did not arrive yet, until now!
Also the fact that I did not able to send the rest earlier!
Fedex picked up the parcel on Monday (local time August 27, around 4 PM). I used Fedex Express (not Economy), which usually needs 3-4 working days to deliver goods to the States & to some other countries, door to door. I have told/urged Fedex that I need the goods to be arrived before the match. They informed me that they will. I have used Fedex & TNT for hundreds times and they're usually ok/on time, unless customs delay happens which also beyond their control.
Yes, there was a clearance delay in Memphis TN yesterday (August 31, local time) but it's already released & on the way to WV at this moment.
Due to the time difference between the USA/WV & my area (which is about 12 or 13 hours), I'm afraid that the parcel cannot arrive today (Saturday). I can't contact Fedex already now, it's Saturday 2.40 PM in my area, they're already closed.
I do really hope that the parcel can arrive today (Saturday morning US time).... but the delivery is beyond of my control.
I have emailed Stan about the parcel for a few times but no response. I believe he's very busy.
Also tried to call him by phone yesterday night (around 3 AM my local time) but connection failed.
Fedex does not deliver after 12 AM Saturday to my understanding, also on Sunday.

With regret,

Just in case the parcel arrives on Monday, not today (which the match could be already over), I hope Stan / the match Director will be able to send the prize to the winner.
Here is the tracking # of the parcel: 899185583812. www.fedex.com

If somebody read this & able to tell Stan about the delay, please help / let him know my message & my apology. Thanks!
Tell him that he still can do the prize raffle on Sunday, although the rest is not arrive yet.
I'll also pay the US shipping from White Horse Center to the winner's address.

It's us who should be thanking you. Whether the rest arrives in time to be given out at the match, or Stan has to further ship it, the winner will still consider him/herself lucky.

Thanks again for your support,

Thanks you Charles. It means a lot to me.
The kind words from Mr. Stover also means a lot to me especially it's coming from the President, personally.
