I here Canada has invaded the East/West.....

We don't need a wall. We need a minefield.

Calvin there were 14 Canadians at the East/West Match


14 Canadians! That's not a delegation. That's an invasion. They think they can just waltz in from up north and spread their cultural idiosyncrasies to America. Polite discourse, no gender in transition people, no trigger warnings, no pussy hats; its enough to make you weep. We citizens must stand firm against this scourge. Alert Maxine Walters. Kick them out of Waffle House. Make them bake wedding cakes for those who marry wolverines. Stand fast America. Our sacred values are under attack. Tim
Canadian invasion

Tim, we come for the friendly competition and the good jokes but we won't go in the Waffle House. Don't worry about that. The floor is too sticky..... we know it's a trap.

Rob Seemann
"You want to see America? Go to Waffle House." the Big Man

Growler... we know it's a trap. Rob Seemann[/QUOTE said:
Rob, I totally understand your aversion to Waffle House. I also had it and avoided Waffle House. Then I was forced by circumstances to eat there 4 days in a row because my friends and ride dictated thus. At first I was leery both of the surroundings and the food. My friends ordered this dish called Smothered Hashbrowns. It was fried hashbrowns smothered in a gelatinous white gravy with cheese, sausage bits and big gobs of "this is really bad for you" stuff. They wolfed it down. I had coffee and orange juice. The next morning I had toast. Finally I had a waffle. Given a few more days I would have been ordering it smothered. So you see. It is a trap. Here is the hook: it had a very eclectic and interesting cast of characters. There was the big man. He sat at the bar and had a cup of coffee in front of him. He never sipped from it. He merely sat there with the serenity of a man who likes where he is. His Detroit Big Iron Cadillac with the back bumper attached with duct tape was parked there four days in a row. We had the sullen waitress who never smiled. We had the vivacious waitress who could make you like her in an instant. I watched the cook for about 15 minutes. His technique was polished and his sanitation was exceptional. My point of all this, Rob, is that you may find a surprising bit of Americana in the most inauspicious places. The floor, still, is a bit scary. Tim
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True story

True story.

I used to work with a guy from Canada. He was a self proclaimed food snob. When we traveled together, i often stopped at Waffle Houses. He would refuse to go in. I would go in, eat and get my heart valves lubricated why he literally stood outside and made phone calls.

I tried to convince him the chefs were true culinary artists,,, to no avail.

Must be a Canadian thing.

I sat next to Ronald McDaniel from Winnipeg in the loading shed at the East-West. I really enjoyed visiting with him all weekend about benchrest shooting and about various things in the U.S. and in Canada. Rodney finished the weekend by finishing 12th in the LV200. Good shooting, Rodney. Hope to see you and your Canadian buddies again at another match.
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I sat next to Ronald McDaniel from Winnipeg in the loading shed at the East-West. I really enjoyed visiting with him all weekend about benchrest shooting and about various things in the U.S. and in Canada. Rodney finished the weekend by finishing 12th in the LV200. Good shooting, Rodney. Hope to see you and your Canadian buddies again at another match.

Ron is a longtime friend and has stayed at our house in one of his visits down south.
He is a very fine young man.
I had a great time at the St.Louis match...it was my first match in the US and largest attendance for me by far. It is a bit of a sureal moment knowing your competeing against the best in the US and not just a few of them. Took what seemed like forever to get my act together made multiple changes and paid off in the end. The compnay of fellow shooters both Canadians and US was great and very helpfull ...was able to thank Mike Bryant in person for help he had given me many years ago via emial for chambering.... I had made plans to attend the Canadian nationals in BC then down to Raton then back home then to Holton. I guess being unempleyed has some time advantage....not much for sharing next stuff on line but this a bit of a travel advisory but my biggest error was trying to get home to quickly not stopping and walking around or maybe staying more hydrated...what ever it was I gave myself a DVT so now on blood thinners and DR says my travelling plans are out ...and this oh so levely pain in my calf could stick around for 6 months...but alive my girls still have a dad and wife has a husband so all is good.....next year hopefully get to more matches.

hi Ron,

Maybe by Sept the Doc will okay you for a short hop (from Manitoba I think) ( compared to BC & raton) to Holton for the Nationals. I am at Holton now. Wonderful range .. leaving for kane and weikert and back here for Sept.

Keepwell and hope to see you soon.

Dave --Ontario