I hear it's been snowing Stateside

Wilbur you talk about moving, I've thought about it a few times but then I see FLOODS,TORNADOES, HURRICANES, FOREST FIRES! Sorry I'll keep the 4 or 5 feet of snow and a little cold were I'm not sweating all the time. The Snow goes away in the spring.

Joe Salt
Why don't y'all move somewhere else.......? I don't know the answer either but it's been just below zero here in Tennessee like twice in my entire life and that was for about two maybe three days. Cold here, is 20 degF for the most part.

Mainly because we believe that summer temps in the high 90s (or higher) with the same percent humidity for 4-5 months are worse than the cold winters. In the north countree you can always put on another layer. In the south you can't ever take enough off.

How people in the deep south survive summer is beyond me.
112.5F...........As vic said,"you can't get away from it!"

I moved from the cold country though, to WA where it's just 50 degrees all yr :)

And my lawn is green,

right now.


Wilbur you talk about moving, I've thought about it a few times but then I see FLOODS,TORNADOES, HURRICANES, FOREST FIRES! Sorry I'll keep the 4 or 5 feet of snow and a little cold were I'm not sweating all the time. The Snow goes away in the spring.

Joe Salt

you are right about that.

The other thing to go along with living in Manitoba, NO poisenous snakes or spiders..............

I met a customer on one of my service calls that moved from South Texas, just off the Mexico border. She LOVES living in Manitoba. She said she does not mind the snow, can deal with the cold, but LOVED that she can actually see 4 seasons. She also could not believe the diversity of Nationalities and the food. I am just going to repeat the way she told it to me in regards to food. Like I said she could not believe the diversity of Nationalities and food. She put it this way to me, "down in Texas we either had white food or Mexican" here you have all kinds. The biggest adjustment is finding food items that she misses from the move.

Something else she talked about was that since it is not HOT here she could not brew iced tea in the traditional way.

And 11 below zero on the F scale. It's so cold that if you're not careful when you first go outside your nostrils will stick together if you take a deep breath!

Are you the same Greg that was a deckhand, engineer, whatever on a sea-going vessel, that visited with me at a Benchrest Match at Tri-County Gun Club in Tualatin, OR about 1997?
If you are, I enjoyed our visit. I believe the fellow I am referring to was associated with Ted Perraco?
Turning Necks on some brass, and Greasing up the tractor and snowblower for the next tour outside!

Joe Salt
Well Phil

it was about -22 Celcius today. Right now it is -27. Definately not tee shirt weather. More like grab a handful of hair and P+++ through your knuckles weather.

What did I do?

Polished this piece........

A few days ago I polished up my SEB rest.

I figure the only way to beat the competition is to blind them.

There is a plus right now to living the single life, I do not have to worry about getting yelled at or having to shovel the driveway so SHE can park her car in the garage. It takes me about 3 minutes to shoveland sweep off my portion of the sidewalk.

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'Atta Baby' Calvin

Of course it takes us old timers a few extra minutes to deal with the wife.....but we're done with the pistol polishing and that sort of stuff. On a good day she'll hand me a cookie no matter how difficult I was on those snowy days. Hell, these days I don't even have to say it was good....even though it always is.

Nice looking pistol though. Wish I was up to it!