I had a GREAT time!!!


Bob Raide

First I want to thank the great people of the Fairchance club, Tim Simbiri for pushing me to go with him, of course, Gorden Eck who built my guns and his advice, and what a fabulous group of people to shoot with.
There seems to be allot of talk about the champ of champs that was an option. I think it was a fabulous idea and now that I understand what it represents I'll be the first to sign up with Bill H at the next match it's available!
Thanks to all, Bob
Congratulations Bob! Always nice to see a local boy do good. You did yourself proud in a very good group of shooters.

For those of you that don't know Bob, his performance was pretty typical of the way he shoots all summer. He doesn't leave much for the rest of us.

Ken Henderson
Congratulations Bob,

You shot great all weekend and your were the CHAMPION!!

You WON what everyone there, came to try to Win!!

Congrats to Gordon Eck for building the winning rifles.

I have to admit, that the RAIDE, SIMBARI discussions between targets with that "New York" flare,

was pretty entertaining to this Southern Boy!!


Congratulations Bob! Pay's to get out a little, huh? Great shooting! See you come spring! Ed.
First Thanks for the great post!
Congratulations for the win!!
I do agree with Tim Miller, you do a great job, keeping Simbari stirred up,
that little grin and wink says it all!!!
Again great shooting, CONGRATULATIONS!
It was entirely my pleasure. The road trips are ALWAYS fun, kind of like a Felix and Oscar road trip, besides I lost count how many times we left Miller shaking his head, Fairchance is a nice facility........wind, not so much. Those old broke down guns did OK, congrats again.
Congratulations Bob Raide, 2012 IR 50/50 National Champion

Man! That was quite a performance. You shot well through all the conditions that Fairchance threw at us.

I enjoyed our conversations at the cleaning table, and as Tim M said, listening to you, and Tim S was entertaining.

I certainly agree that the Champ of Champs is a good idea for those that want to play. I hope it continues at other events.

Hope to see you next year at Kettlefoot or sooner.

congratulations bob, nice shooting, nice shooting with all of you.
i had a good time being there, come back anytime. thanks for coming.
P.S. When Raide called me again today to bust my chops we got to talking. Am I correct, his scores represent a new 4 gun/6 gun world record aggregate??? One stood for 10 years by Harry.
P.S. When Raide called me again today to bust my chops we got to talking. Am I correct, his scores represent a new 4 gun/6 gun world record aggregate??? One stood for 10 years by Harry.

Looks like it is .........Way to go Bob

Congratulations Bob Raide on smashing the 6 gun world record by 4 pts and 14Xs. With your new world records and 2 National Championships you have established yourself as quite possibly the best all round rimfire benchrest shooter of all time. You may not shoot a lot, but when you do - you are dominating!
Holy Smokes Bob!!! I may have to take back all those things I said about you!!!! Congrats! Again.....! Ed.