I got this today for my home lathe.

yes but there is a better quality at 20 something on amazon.
( i have used the cdco, IMHO the amazon are better)
that is where i get mine...i do have 5 oem also.
Cdco has cheap tool holder. The set screws need to be replaced.
They are in the $12.00 range.
if you pick up an Aloris tool holder it is massive, dense solid. i am sure they for it for a reason.
the ability to HOLD a tool well.
imho, the amazon tool holder is heavier, denser, more solid than the cdc. for the small difference in price, it is well worth it. less harmonics.
Does it matter if they repeat?
if you pick up an Aloris tool holder it is massive, dense solid. i am sure they for it for a reason.
the ability to HOLD a tool well.
imho, the amazon tool holder is heavier, denser, more solid than the cdc. for the small difference in price, it is well worth it. less harmonics.

Will a tuner take the harmonics out of your toolpost?
if you pick up an Aloris tool holder it is massive, dense solid. i am sure they for it for a reason.
the ability to HOLD a tool well.
imho, the amazon tool holder is heavier, denser, more solid than the cdc. for the small difference in price, it is well worth it. less harmonics.

I was speaking of the tool holders. I use Aloris wedge type and I have about 10 Aloris holders and the rest are cheapies.
i was too.
yes i think the heavier densier tool holder is a more solid hold...so yes less harmonics.

I have a hodge-podge of toolholders, Aloris, Dorian, CDNN, Amazon, J&L (now part of MSC) and probably a few others. As someone mentioned, you replace the set screws on the imports and they're OK. That said, you can imagine that the Amazon units work better (they *do* look better), but I've never noticed a difference in any of them when I'm cutting.

i do not think i do anything heavy enough to really tell.
but when i went from a 1000 lb lathe to a 2000 lb lathe, there was an increase in quality also.
because vibration and harmonics CAN be an issue, i spend more bucks on the amazon tool holders....just one part time machinist's opinion.( i have seen harmonics as an issue on long thin parts bbl dia and less)
( way over in sun city)

I have a hodge-podge of toolholders, Aloris, Dorian, CDNN, Amazon, J&L (now part of MSC) and probably a few others. As someone mentioned, you replace the set screws on the imports and they're OK. That said, you can imagine that the Amazon units work better (they *do* look better), but I've never noticed a difference in any of them when I'm cutting.
