I Got My “new” Lathe Today.

Secret Lair

Jackie, I was trying to figure out what the large wheel with the four red knobs on the front of the lathe was for. Then it hit me. It opens the vault door to your secret lair where you store your particle beam death ray, the tectonic plate shifter, the gamma ray burst aimer, your antimatter and other assorted WMD. Now with the spin of the wheel you can enter, sit on your throne made of human skulls, rub your hands together and laugh with a maniacal glee.
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A turret lathe?


Also my question. I know I have a bias here because I hated running one for 8 hours a day. The oil coolant made it hard to keep your smokes dry. Don't think that wiil be a problem for you.
Have fun.

The turret being removable is pretty cool.

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