I Feel, and Look Like I went One Round With George Foreman

My first post here and it has to be about teeth!:rolleyes:

I had a good friend who had all of his teeth replaced with implants and it cost him less than $10K. He went to Texas and then crossed the border and had it done. All American doctors. You walked across a bridge every morning into Mexico, they did a half dozen teeth each morning until you were done. They looked great and he didn't have any problems.
My first post here and it has to be about teeth!:rolleyes:

I had a good friend who had all of his teeth replaced with implants and it cost him less than $10K. He went to Texas and then crossed the border and had it done. All American doctors. You walked across a bridge every morning into Mexico, they did a half dozen teeth each morning until you were done. They looked great and he didn't have any problems.


That sounds like something I might do......

Altho walking acros't into Mexico every MORNING would be a liddle different.....or even in the daylight......LOL
Had a real nice looking young woman at work in her 30's who crossed over into Mexico. It was to have breast implants installed for allot less money and she never made it off the operating table when she died.
Had a real nice looking young woman at work in her 30's who crossed over into Mexico. It was to have breast implants installed for allot less money and she never made it off the operating table when she died.

It’s good to have choices. There are Dentist in Eastern Europe, Romania to be specific, who do this type of work fo about $20,000.

If someone wants this type of work performed, they should do what they are most comfortable with.

With "Clear Choice", if you lose a tooth, you get free replacements for five years. I already had one replaced.

Three miles from my house to the Clear Choice Clinic.

If something goes wrong with your discounted mexican implants, what's the recourse?

Good luck with suing a Foreign Doctor. That's to say if he/she is even licensed to practice.

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Jackie, good for you! I did not have this option years ago (or the money) so I got the falsies. I was down to one
tooth and could no longer eat steak, just "punch holes" in it. In the interim my gums got so tough I could eat
about anything except peanut brittle. I know your pain; I wouldn't go back to the real ones for anything. Good
luck in your recovery!
Chism G or to be able to get the body properly taken care of and back home as in the lady I worked with family's case.
Jackie, good for you! I did not have this option years ago (or the money) so I got the falsies. I was down to one
tooth and could no longer eat steak, just "punch holes" in it. In the interim my gums got so tough I could eat
about anything except peanut brittle. I know your pain; I wouldn't go back to the real ones for anything. Good
luck in your recovery!

Thanks Arnold. I think it is amazing what they can do in. modern Dentistry. I truly look forward to the rest of my life without the worry of those nagging dental problems.

Had one implant installed in 1983,due to job related incident. Its still there.

Good to see you on here AJ.


Glenn, we all know what your job was. This would be a great......”now, for the rest of the story”;)

Short version, from what I remember. I was passenger in a high speed vehicle chase. Driver lost control. Car hit big Oak tree on passenger side. i woke up in hospital with a broken Jaw and lots of dental damage. several loose teeth. wore jaw brace for a good while. Finally Got sick of looking at the dead tooth in the mirror. Had the one implant done. Expensive fix, but no more teeth issues until three years ago. Problems started coming back. Got all the uppers and half the lowers replaced with implants(Clear Choice). Money well spent. No more teeth issues as long as I avoid collisions with Big Oak Trees.:D

I look like I was taken out by a mean MF with brass knuckles. Monday I went in for a basal cell carcinoma removal from my nose. This is the 4th, maybe 5th basal cell removal I've had, the last one about 3 years ago was pretty bad, I figured that was as bad as the could get.

In all the previous surgeries, after they had removed all the cancer via the Mohs process, under local anesthetic (Novocain or similar) they would sew me up and send me out with a bandage. Last time I had a golf ball sized hole in my head down to the bone. This time, they sent me to an adjacent surgical facility and proceeded to put me through a 1-1/2 hour reconstructive operation under anesthesia. There is a HUGE hole in my nose and both my eyes are black with deep purple eye lids and swollen so much that I can barely see. So many stiches that I haven't even tried to count during my bandage changes. I am NOT fit for public viewing.
I look like I was taken out by a mean MF with brass knuckles. Monday I went in for a basal cell carcinoma removal from my nose. This is the 4th, maybe 5th basal cell removal I've had, the last one about 3 years ago was pretty bad, I figured that was as bad as the could get.

In all the previous surgeries, after they had removed all the cancer via the Mohs process, under local anesthetic (Novocain or similar) they would sew me up and send me out with a bandage. Last time I had a golf ball sized hole in my head down to the bone. This time, they sent me to an adjacent surgical facility and proceeded to put me through a 1-1/2 hour reconstructive operation under anesthesia. There is a HUGE hole in my nose and both my eyes are black with deep purple eye lids and swollen so much that I can barely see. So many stiches that I haven't even tried to count during my bandage changes. I am NOT fit for public viewing.

Darn. Since you are a veteran of this, what are the prognosis?
Darn. Since you are a veteran of this, what are the prognosis?

For basil cell carcinomas, good. The surgeons are pretty skilled and 4 months later it's hard to tell anything happened. This instance is more extreme than I'm used to. I suspect that I'll still have a hole in my nose but, at age 72, I'm no longer concerned with competing with Brad Pitt for the women.