Hypothetical Question (I Hope)


P Magoon, Livin' Free NH
Given the recent draconian autocratic statements about banning "assault rifles" by the New Zealand prime minister, and U.S. Dems parroting same, I got to thinking, what would I do if it happened here? I have some AR's that I am somewhat fond of, including one with a White Oak upper with a Krieger barrel and a Rock River lower. If AR's were banned at either the state or federal level, could one just remove the gas tube, block the port, and cycle it manually? It has a right-hand charging handle that screws into the bolt. It would no longer be a semi-auto, so that should defeat the ban, right? I know, the crazy pols will go after pistol grips and other aspects of "style" not function.

This is not so hypothetical here in NH. Both houses of the legislature flipped solidy to the Dems last fall, and only our governor stands in the way of some really nutto legislation. If we lose the governorship, we're in trouble. I'm thinking that any buy-back would give cents on the dollar.

This doesn't mean that I'm done resisting bad legislation or that I've lost hope, I'm just considering all possiblities.
Your talk of "defeating" something dismays me...... The Heller decision didn't "defeat" anything nor anybody, it just showed 26yrs worth of policy as un-Constitutional so they HAD TO get rid of the "law" keeping handguns from law abiding citizens. You keep blaming "the Dems"........ I'm over that as a lost cause. I live in WA where the populace just willy-nilly votes in conflicting "laws" year after year. And nobody flinches! What I fight DAILY is the enormous crowd of "conservatives" who'll happily vote away a bump stock.

And feel good about theyself's in the process.

Bump stocks CANNOT be taken from us legally..... but they are.

We leave our Constitution gasping in the dust because we vote selfishly.

The selflessness of our forefathers is no longer revered. No longer passed down.

I Have Met The Enemy And It Is Us
How can a Fly Sepc

of a country have such an influence on World Opinion, I ask ye? It's interesting this country often places so much emphasis on those countrys that have tiny populations. Not to say they aren't perfectly good people but many of them are isolated from the real world.

New Zealand has a government optimized for quick action. Ours is optimized for (we hope) sober deliberation with all sides considered. It's called "due process".

There is a widespread assumption among libs and progs in this country that just about every other country on the face of the earth has more brains than we do. Individual rights and the consititution carry little weight with them. Why they don't understand all the advantages they have by living in the USA is beyond me.

It seems to these folks that getting rid of the evil guns should be so simple and it's only the knuckle dragging neanderthals like us standing in the way. It makes them apoplectic, which makes me happy.

It scares me when government enacts legislation rapidly. One party rule is my worst nightmare. If congress is getting nothing done, at least they're not making things worse.
New Zealand has a government optimized for quick action. Ours is optimized for (we hope) sober deliberation with all sides considered. It's called "due process".

There is a widespread assumption among libs and progs in this country that just about every other country on the face of the earth has more brains than we do. Individual rights and the consititution carry little weight with them. Why they don't understand all the advantages they have by living in the USA is beyond me.

It seems to these folks that getting rid of the evil guns should be so simple and it's only the knuckle dragging neanderthals like us standing in the way. It makes them apoplectic, which makes me happy.

It scares me when government enacts legislation rapidly. One party rule is my worst nightmare. If congress is getting nothing done, at least they're not making things worse.

In our current situation getting nothing done will make some things worse...it's happening right now.

And sometimes we have to write a Declaration of Independence.
I see Missouri is working on that as we speak.

Whatever happens to semi-auto

firearms, lets assume they are outlawed, then those intent on destruction will shift to a bolt, lever or other action type firearm. That will start a race to get rid of those untll they are all gone, unless we protect our constitutional rights at the poles. However, as public opinion shifts, the only thing in their way may be the judiciary, and we all know how the 9th circuit court in Kalifornia rules. Sometimes I just don't know where we will be in 50 years.
Break it down, pack it into a PVC pipe, sealed container, with at least a modest ammo supply, and drill a hole to bury it in. As you refill the hole, drop an old brake drum or rotor in about a foot above the "safe", and finish the fill.

District of Columbia vs. Heller, was a landmark case that affirmed that you did not have to be a member of a regulated militia to own a firearm for defense etc. It did provide protection for handgun ownership and the ability to keep a loaded weapon in your home.

However for those that did read the decision, it did not affirm that it included all forms of firearms and specifically stated: "the right to bear arms is not unlimited and guns and gun ownership would continue to be regulated." It is how New York State has been able to keep the Safe Act. In New York you can keep any firearm considered an Assault Rifle if you owned it before 2014 and registered it with the state before the end of 2014. Today you can still purchase one as long as it only has one assault rifle point or a pinned magazine.
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I find the whole "military style", "assault rifle" designations that seem to mean so much to some laughable.

I own real (bolt action) military rifles that likely fought in wars and perhaps even killed people. They are far more deadly than the average AR, but they seem to elicit very little frothing at the mouth from the gun ban crowd.

The lethality of a given gun is of little concern to me. That's not why I own them. However, that those who profess to care so much about a gun's potential for mayhem should overlook the "real deal" while focusing on looks and "style" is kind of a joke, don't ya think?
However, that those who profess to care so much about a gun's potential for mayhem should overlook the "real deal" while focusing on looks and "style" is kind of a joke, don't ya think?
No, it's not a joke. It's that camel's nose that "they" want to get stuck under the edge of the tent. If they can get that little step done, then they can turn up the heat and go after the next "objectionable" item. Next it will be all auto loaders, then auto loading handguns, then all handguns, and finally, they'll get to the true battle rifles, and finally, the "real" hunting rifles.
Make no mistake, though, before they get to true battle rifles, they'll find those accessories attached to your precision target rifles as horrible fixtures that make the weapon all too deadly, and the choice weapon of miscreants and evil-doers.

That's why I find no humor in the calls for gun control.

Having seen the list of gun control wants from the Clinton-Brady meeting 20 years ago, one of the big things on the list is "Sniper Rifles". They describe them as scoped accurate rifles. Sounds like every BR, hunting rifle etc. out there.
Having seen the list of gun control wants from the Clinton-Brady meeting 20 years ago, one of the big things on the list is "Sniper Rifles". They describe them as scoped accurate rifles. Sounds like every BR, hunting rifle etc. out there.

I remember that as well. Senator Feinstein was really pushing this issue. The word "sniper" made even the lowlyest scoped hunting rifle a banned item.
It scares me when government enacts legislation rapidly. One party rule is my worst nightmare. If congress is getting nothing done, at least they're not making things worse.

Most of the countries that can vote instant bans on civil liberties have Parlimentary Government's. That means the Law of the Land is what any majority can agree upon at any moment.

Here in the US, our laws have to withstand Constitutional muster. That pesky "Bill of Rights" gets in the way of the petty whims of politicians and demagogues who believe that people are here to serve the Government.
Sometimes when they get stuff done we get stuff like the 68 gun control act. Doug

I hear you Doug and you made a good point. I feel todays situation is worse and we need affirmitive action to prevent further restrictions.


I hear you Doug and you made a good point. I feel todays situation is worse and we need affirmitive action to prevent further restrictions.


My dad had a ffl back in the early 70s. A lot of his customers would say what the hell is that, when they had to fill out a yellow sheet. They made it so you couldn't buy a gun across state lines unless you had a ffl. LBJ signed it in to law. Yes, take action as long as it helps us, Im leary anytime the congress acts. Doug