humor forum. new rules


Well-known member
for many years the humor thread ran with little need for monitoring. we now have new management, and posted rules. the problem is the rules are words subject to interpretation, and the new managements interpretation is not what has been here in the past. how is anyone here to know what your version of "tend to offend" means ? it is clear your opinion and most of the users have different opinions. we cannot comply if we do not know who you are and where you stand.... many of us knew wilbur and got along with him. this new management appear vastly different than in the past...and we have NO CLUE
Thanks for acknowledging that there are "posted rules"; I assume you know those rules were in place prior to the "new management" becoming involved.

As for interpreting those rules, click the "Humor Section" link at the top of this page, and read the blue underlined text at the top of that page. The foregoing text has been in place since shortly after the "new management" became involved.

I don't see any connection between who I am, and complying with the posted rules — just remember the Paul Harvey story (it's in "the humor thread" thread).
you are still ignoring the point that "potential hurt feelings" is extremely subjective, interpretation and no see on this site before again how are the members to know HOW YOU FEEL ??
What is humor?
Let me start by saying I am an immigrant, British to be exact and I have in my time in the US had quite a few of what might be considered racial slurs. However I realized it was a joke at my expense. I believe we are all guilty of dong this (me included). I think we can all distinguish the difference between a slur and a joke. However sometimes some peoples seem to have a purpose to there jokes other than humor.

One example comes to my mind. When a person keeps posting (jokes) derogatory remarks about one political person or political party then I no longer see it as a joke but someone with a aim not to make one laugh but to push there agenda.

For me there are very few subjects that are a no for humor and those that are would be obvious to any sane person.

So what is humor.... something to make us laugh and no more than that.
you are still ignoring the point that "potential hurt feelings" is extremely subjective, interpretation and no see on this site before again how are the members to know HOW YOU FEEL ??
How do I feel? I suspect you know that some things, like, e.g., pornography, can't be comprehensively defined. I suspect people know when they're posting a likely-to-offend-type post (or any other post described in the second paragraph of the "Humor Section" link at the top of this page). Remember there may be people of a different race, gender, or nationality than you, or children, reading the post(s). Maybe the best course of action is: when in doubt, rethink the matter; if still in doubt, refrain from posting. Use good judgment. That, along with suggesting that you read the aforementioned second paragraph, may be the best explanation I can give at this red-hot moment.

Although a post that is out of bounds may be deleted or edited, I doubt that anyone will be removed from the forum for going a little out-of-bounds a few times. Again, use good judgment.

You should know by now how I feel about this "rules" issue; let's move on to more productive things.

So what is humor.... something to make us laugh and no more than that.
I'd like to clarify that the "no more than that" phrase might easily get ignored/lost in the laughter.
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