How's TEAM USA going for WRABF World Champs

Bill Collaros

Shoot to Thrill
How is Team USA going, getting plenty of practice in, what dream equipment are you bringing Down Under, is your paperwork all ok etc ?

Just over 60 days to go, this is getting serious now .
Been driving on the wrong side of the road as much as I can. Really pissing drivers off when I go the wrong directions at rotaries ! Getting the hang of it.
Been shooting in some awful conditions so should be all set for OZ in the winter.

Todd's LV gun is smoking!

I am happy with my HV THOMAS. Have not received my LV Thomas with the side lever update yet.

Waiting on license from Australia for customs paperwork?

Paul Bendix
Sounds Good Paul

Many forget these things that u need to get your head around too...

Gas goes in heaters not cars

Toilets flush in reverse as we like to send our crap to the other side of the world

A Fanny means something different down here but Hooters is universally accepted

Craig Young is not referred to as Chipper down here he is know as the Silver Fox

Todd Banks will need to groom his Goatie before Border Security let him in

P.S. Let us know if there is paperwork issues say around mid June and i will see what i can do this end
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Paul drove 250 miles each way to practice with me last Wed. evening and Doug Miller is visiting his property in Vermont, about 1.5hrs from here and I expect him to join me next Wed. for my regular weekly practice session. Matt and Abdul are probably practicing the hardest of any of us, blowing through 1000 pellets a week!

My wife took the dog clippers to my beard last week so I may be okay to get through Customs on your end...

Weapons and Import license process is proceeding fairly well with the help of Mikeala at QLD Police. Several of us were missing info on our apps and she's been very quick with responses to questions. I hope when we get to the Customs paperwork we have someone like her to deal with!
Bringing two barrels?

not sure if left hand or right hand twist works best down under?

Yes Ray using the upside down Wicks Flags you made!
