How to remove firing pin and spring from Mauser 98?

Hi All:

I hav a M98 that has the bolt in the action and only the firing pin and spring attached. I can not raise the bolt handle to remove the bolt from the action. The cockling pice is off of the firing pin allowing the pin to go deeply into the bolt body.

How may I remove the firing pin to enable the bolt to be raised?

I tried to contact Mauser Central but they must be no longer on line.

Any Mauser 98 experts out there?

I forgot to add that the bolt shroud is still attached to the bolt body and the bolt is in the locked firing position.
Hi again:

I can not lift the bolt handle! There is no movement in the firing pin, bolt body or shroud. How may I remove these parrts from the bolt body or remove the bolt from the rifle?

Again, Tia,


No. the safety is not on. The safety is a Buhler wing type that locks the cocking piece back when the wing is lifted. This is a standard military 98 Mauser. The bolt is in the action and appears to be locked in the closed position as if it were ready to be fired.


Go to You Tube and put in Mauser 98 bolt disassembly. Maybe something there will help.
Also you might try removing the trigger assembly and see if that lets the bolt open.
I have been mucking about with mauser98's for years but have not actually struck this problem so I have not solved it . First I think the bolt has been placed back in the action with the shroud not fully screwed into the bolt body . On the side of the shroud is a pin catch with a tapered face . It may be that the reason you can't lift the bolt is the fact that it is not screwed in all the way and this pin catch is not pushed in all the way.
I would remove the trigger and safety catch and get a small blade screw driver and see if you can lever that pin catch in all the way as you pull the bolt up . I am not positive that this is the problem but it is about all I can think that it would be. Worth a try anyway.
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If the cocking piece is not on the firing pin, the firing pin is being held forward (fired) and is locking the bolt. You will have to pull back on the firing pin so you can open the bolt unless the shroud is not screwed all the way on which would be another problem. (the fp spring is hold the fp forward about 22lb to 28lb most likely) O.W.L.
If I understand this, it is a barreled action and you can't get the bolt out. Send it to me and I will do it for you.
This is like a novel with the last 10 pages missing, please tell us how you did it?
Hi All:

I removed the bolt from the action by pulling very hard on the firing pin while pressing the rear of the extractor towards the bolt to get to slip past the receiver bridge. I used a pair of parallel jaw pliers for this task.

Now, the bolt is out of the rifle with the shroud, f.p. and f.p. spring assembled. With the same parallel jaw pliers, I pulled the f.p, as far as it would go to the rear. This permitted the shroud to turn about 10 degrees at a time until the shroud came off of the f.p.

With the shroud off, I could turn the f.p, one quarter of a turn to the left and this allowed the f.p. to come out of the bolt.

I have no idea as to how the inside of the bolt was machined to only permit the firing pin to lock and unlock! The f.p. would lock and unlock with each 90 degree turn. There must be a cut in the bolt body that works like the lug recesses in the action. How would these be machined?

I hope that this helps,
