How long should it take to rebarrel a Anschutz 64?


The guy is in the shop on Tuesdays and Thursdays normally from noon to 3. Well I called up today - was going to drive in from work - the gunsmith called in said something about a Dr appt - won't be in today. The gunsmith works out of the back of a gun shop as a contractor. Anyway the owner of the gun shop is not happy with this guy. I asked the owner to take a look - he was able to locate my stock - but apparently the receiver, trigger and barrel is at the gunsmiths home. I was able to get the gunsmiths home phone (reverse lookup - I now know his name and address) - which I called and left a message. He supposed to be in tomorrow maybe Sat - I'll keep trying. I will post any info I have on this guy as soon as I have my gun back. It may complicate things if I post before I get it back. This guy gives gunsmiths a bad name.

Why would your situation with this guy give gunsmiths a bad name?
Lewis Erwin,
Take Brian J's advice. Mark Penrod in North Manchester, IN. It can't be more than about an hour and fifteen drive for you. He's a busy man but I know that he would do the work and it would be first rate. Shop TX # is 260-982-8385. I do know this though. Shilen barrels have been a LONG wait for SOME that ordered back in September. Call Mark and he can fix you up.

John M. Carper
I will certainly give Mark a call as soon as I have this all straightened out. I know he's very busy - so I'll just have to see how that works out. Thanks for all the input. I hope to have this taken care of soon.
Hey Thanks - learned something new today.

My local gunsmith is supposed to be in on Sat - hopefully I can pick it up. I've sent a note to EMcD precision - I'll see what they can do for me. Hopefully others will chime in on other smiths if that doesn't work out.

Please feel free to send me a private message on a good gunsmith, I won't post any info in sent in confidence.

I can vouch for Evelio, he does great work and has built a few rifles for me already.
A good lesson for your..."gunsmith" would be for you to take an action against him in small claims court for his actions...or lack thereof. There is absolutely no excuse for a professional to pull your he did.
#1...unless the project were something out of the ordinary and a gunsmith told me a year or more, I'd look elsewhere! Otherwise by 30 days after the promised date, I would need a call from the gunsmith and a reasonable explanation for the delay as well as a second promised date. After that...look out!
He probably broke your gun and can't afford to replace it. He could have pawned it and just can't afford to get it back. Maybe his dog ate your gun.:eek:
Mark will do all he can for you and at the best level of quality that is possible. I'm glad you called him. It's gonna be raining on Sunday it looks, but if you want to come watch and meet the folks that are regulars at Wabash, please come. We are a great bunch of folks that just want to shoot and have fun (and be competitive) but all in good fellowship.

John M. Carper

p.s. give me a call sometime at either 765-677-1836 (home) or 765-669-2124 (cell). Leave a message if I don't answer and I will get back to you.
Believe it or not..........

I got my gun back yesterday from Mark. Wow! It looks awesome! Hopefully it shoots as good as it looks. Mark is definitely a world-class gunsmith and he did an absolutely awesome job. Looks like I'll make the Michigan match after all. Saturdays weather looks iffy - but either way I'll be shooting between the drops in preparation for Sunday. See you there!