How far can you see bullet holes?

DYUDE nice CATCH dude!!! I fergot the LINKIE......

You'se can search "HHO injection" or "youtube videos of cool suppressed inventions by guys who live with their mothers" or you can klik on this LINK..... (Ohhhh SONofa'... this guy only guarantees 50%!!)


dude, MONSTER!!

Or, let my buddies Penn and Teller put it in a DIFFERENT light.......

OR..... you can just go blindly into the night shelling out money for reams of stuff that "can't hurt"

until you die



put a big piece of white cardboard up and spray paint it orange. put little aiming points on it. when you shoot a couple groups go down and spray paint over the previous bullets. new bullet holes will be black, old ones will be covered with orange. sometimes the bullet peels the orange off and its easier to see cause there is a white dot. 600 yards with 30x magnification or more is no problem with 6mm bullets.
If you are talking an "F" class match, or using an "F" class target for practice you can forget about seeing your bullet holes...unless you stick em way out there in the white!!!. I have been to a dozen or so 300/600 "F" class shoots and have NEVER seen any of my holes unless I hit the white spotter. As far as practice.....I use a 4x4 sheet of plywood on stilts. i cover the plywood with white freezer paper (shiny side me on this one) and just color in a very small aim point with a marker. I can see my holes from a lot further away than 600 yards. on good days, with my 30 cal I can see the holes at 1200 with my Licea set at 60x. I can see them quite often at 1K with my NF scopes. Never a problem at 600 unless the mirage is running hard.
This is a cellphone pic through a March scope at 1000 yds.

During a match it's not a problem seeing the shot spotter with my 50X Leupold/Premier Target Scope, for practice a Target Cam system like mine is the only way to go when shooting alone without pit/target pullers......
1 mile -- i built a cam scope that I works at 1 mile

I can go farther if i wanted too but there is really no need too

here are pics of 600 yards that i was shooting. the images were saved thru my cam and software

the images you see is what i see at the line

clarity doesn't change at all the farther the target is



1 mile -- i built a cam scope that I works at 1 mile

I can go farther if i wanted too but there is really no need too

here are pics of 600 yards that i was shooting. the images were saved thru my cam and software

the images you see is what i see at the line

clarity doesn't change at all the farther the target is




How much will you sell me one for?

Al Matson
360 904 6941 PST
...and is it legal to operate without an FCC amateur radio license?

Probably not if it has enough oomph to transmit that far. Possible... but not probable.
here is a video i made with 1 mile spoting scope
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OK, so let me get this straight..... I can set at the gun and push refresh between shots (ONE click) and have a running tally of my shots?

I don't care about FCC licensing requirements
OK, so let me get this straight..... I can set at the gun and push refresh between shots (ONE click) and have a running tally of my shots?

I don't care about FCC licensing requirements

YEP that is how I use it. It really helps to know where each round landed and in what order.
OK, so, brand/part numbers? I'm guessing New Egg and the like have parts or is this RC stuff? It looks commercial. ?? dealer stuff?? I have the camera, I have the laptop, I have the power source..... I DO NOT have the 1mi networking capability.

Help a brotha out here...

try click transmitters. might be a cheaper alternative. 5000 ft sounds far enough.
At a 1000 yd match in Tucson about 10 or 15 years ago one of the local astronomy shops brough a bunch of his big scopes out to the range. He got to shoot a bunch of our guns and we got to play with a bunch of his expensive scopes. But none of them, including a big 10" or 12" Celestron mirror scope with eyepieces up to (if I remember right) the 40x, 60x and 80x range would resolve .30 caliber holes in the blue target face. Some of the guys could read the black scoring numbers in the white rings, but none of us could see bullet holes. However you could really seriously see the mirage when running the focal length back and forth along the 500 to 1000 yard range.
It is not just the telescope and how good the optics are or how much magnification there is he mirage or as optical scientists call it turbulence is a limiting factor on how small an object you can see at a given distance. Think about this, when the mirage is running heavy you may have a hard time seeing the X-ring much less a bullet hole. The limit on seeing bullet hole-sized objects at sea level is somewhere around 600-800 yards. That is why sometimes you can see holes in the target at 600 in the AM but as soon as the sun hits the ground and starts to heat up you no longer can.

If you see an ad for a scope that says it will eliminate the mirage run away fast as they are trying to seel you a load a crap, there are ways of reducing its effects but nothing that will currently fit into a rifle scope.

I could go into excruciating detail about the process and ways of mitigating it but would bore and annoy everyone, suffice it to say that the limiting factor in seeing bullet holes at ranges beyond 600 yards is the atmosphere and not necessarily the optics.

For practice only, why don't you try to duplicate the MR-1FC with white background and black rings. 3" X-ring, 6" 10-ring. 12" 9-ring. You could almost get that on a piece of 8"x11" paper... should need any more than 6" anyway... right?