How about this Wilbur, was it true?


Senile Member
Wilbur, since you live in McMinn County, do you remember the story listed below?

Subject: Battle of Athens (TN) 1946

Many are unaware of this event that took place in Athens, TN in 1946.

An armed revolt by WWII veterans took place during our lifetimes. A very sobering video that should have been aired when some states tried to disenfranchise voters in the last election.

Now the second amendment is a little clearer.

Be sure to see the actual photos at the end showing the plaques describing the event
Movies are just movies not factual usually the makers political point of view, like Bowling for Colombine, Rules of Engagement. Just think if PETA made a so called documentary on hunting (maybe they did, I don't know). Brian DePalma is now rewriting the old beliefs about the last couple of major wars and Presidents on the History Channel weekly. I know his politics and it shows on his movies. Look at Al Gore's movies, some people believe this stuff. Dirty Harry sold more 44 Smiths than you can shake a stick at. People who embolden the ant-gunners on the internet and this site probably believe these movies, but that is just mho. Look at Waco, Ruby Ridge, Blair Mountain, Ludlow Colo Massacre, the Last Wounded Knee and many more.
Thanks for posting that, after reading the Wikipedia entry and watching the youtube, I feel a little better for some reason.
When are people gonna' realize there ain't no magical "government" out there to look after us? That "government," left to it's own devices can only destroy our rights? We are a nation founded on people's choice, problem is, the people are easily swayed by emotion and largely devoid of compassion for the guy over in the next town. Therefore stories like this are important, while this one escalated to the physical, most often we fight with our vote.

But fight we must!

We MUST fight the little fights well, or lose the big one!


Go AL....................


When are people gonna' realize there ain't no magical "government" out there to look after us? That "government," left to it's own devices can only destroy our rights? We are a nation founded on people's choice, problem is, the people are easily swayed by emotion and largely devoid of compassion for the guy over in the next town. Therefore stories like this are important, while this one escalated to the physical, most often we fight with our vote.

But fight we must!

We MUST fight the little fights well, or lose the big one!


We are at the mercy of those we elect to represent us in Congress. This is where the fight needs to be focused. Of course, there is always the Executive Orders. Wonder if they can be challenged by congress?
Yessir, that happened. It happened again, I believe, on a much lesser scale where a couple of unsavory "officials" were asked to leave the county by a mob of citizens. They left.

I'll need to verify that with my local historian that lives over there and get back. I work closely with him so it's a matter of remembering to ask.
We are at the mercy of those we elect to represent us in Congress. This is where the fight needs to be focused. Of course, there is always the Executive Orders. Wonder if they can be challenged by congress?

I still can't figure out when it went from congress working for us instead of us working for them..............WTF

I'm going to agree with mike on co on this one, never re-elect an incumbent :)

We've got little towns out here where I refuse to buy a town business license (I'm a licensed/bonded contractor in the State of WA) because of the rampant corruption in the towns. In these cases the schools, police depts and code enforcement depts are repeat offenders and the only cure we've found is #1 to point out the corruption by writing editorials in the local paper and #2 electing new blood. Sometimes the newbies get sucked into the 'Good Ol' Boy Network' but more often than not it cleans right up.

On a state level I've gotten to know the families of various congressmen and senators...... here the "political royalty" is simply staggering. And the answer IMO is to vote them out.

People who believe "some government oversight committee" or "some policing agency" is there to stop this corruption have simply never seen politics from the inside!

OK, rant off


I still can't figure out when it went from congress working for us instead of us working for them..............WTF


When it went??? When it went was when WE THE PEOPLE sat down on our a$$es and just watched "reality TV", TV news, and some of that crap instead of staying in touch with our elected officials and world events......and with the Internet is so easy to just shoot off an email to them, and 95% will respond too!! It is also easy to stay up on world events by not totally trusting CNN, CBS, ABC, FOX and that bunch. They have their own agenda.
I hate to admit it but------

when it went??? When it went was when we the people sat down on our a$$es and just watched "reality tv", tv news, and some of that crap instead of staying in touch with our elected officials and world events......and with the internet is so easy to just shoot off an email to them, and 95% will respond too!! It is also easy to stay up on world events by not totally trusting cnn, cbs, abc, fox and that bunch. They have their own agenda.

your right!
"The person who doesn't watch the news is uninformed. The person who does is misinformed."

it takes more than teevee to educate a responsible man

Yessir, that happened. It happened again, I believe, on a much lesser scale where a couple of unsavory "officials" were asked to leave the county by a mob of citizens. They left.

I'll need to verify that with my local historian that lives over there and get back. I work closely with him so it's a matter of remembering to ask.

Sounds like McMinn County should be renamed The Republic of McMinn County. Something like that, "local sovereignties", is what we need more of. Isn't that how the 2nd Amendment starts out..."A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State"?

It has always been the "United States of America", the founders never intended us to be "National America"

And, what is that part of the US Constitution that limits the national government to certain defined duties...all other powers to be retained by the States?
Yessir, that happened. It happened again, I believe, on a much lesser scale where a couple of unsavory "officials" were asked to leave the county by a mob of citizens. They left.

I'll need to verify that with my local historian that lives over there and get back. I work closely with him so it's a matter of remembering to ask.

The later and much less "eventful" deal was when a council of some kind was trying to ram something down the throats of the citizens. At the meeting, there were so many citizens that they couldn't fit in the courthouse - so many that they filled the courthouse "square" shoulder to shoulder. The council requested a single spokesman and one fellow went in for the meeting. As related, the spokesman stated that if the council passed whatever it was that he couldn't guarantee any of them would make it home. The council tabled the item and it lies there to this day. No guns were involved.

I suspect that the previous event had something to do with the outcome.
I lived in Polk County, Tennessee during the 70's. They told the story of having the National Guard posted on the roof tops with machine guns to "protect" the voting polls. The ballot boxes had a history of "disappearing" and being replaced on the trip across the mountains to the count seat to be counted.
Polk county is kinda like what weve been talkin' about...times 10. The reason such didn't/doesn't happen in Polk county is because the dark side never gets off the ground over there - much less fly. The only dark side of Polk county is Polk county. That ain't somewhere a stranger would go on a Saturday night to raise a little hell. Carry're kiddin', Right?
Above post of mine I meant to say Oliver Stone was rewriting history not Brian Depalma.