Holton match results 6.12.10


It was a nice sunny day, winds switchy, we had 7 shooters: Raw AGgs

T1 Bill Wheeler 2,000 - creedmoore Mike Worthington
T2 Bill Wheeler 1,800
T3 John Rupert 2,000
T4 John Rupert 1,975

Bill Wheeler 1,912.50
Mike Worthington 1,858.75
Terry Mahoney 1,771.25

I wish to thank those who showed up to shoot, and a big thanks for those who helped.
Rupert alive

Fred - yes and he is going to start shooting again on a regular basis. Its good to have him back shooting.
Thanks Fred. To be remembered by one of the Worlds Best Rimfire Shooters is quite an honor. I still have that VS red thongy thing that Dorthy or you bought for me around here some place. Glad to be coming back, long illness. A thanks to Bill Wheeler for helping me get back. Can't travel far, but hope to see you all again someday.
looks like there was some pretty good shooting on Saturday. It was miserably hot where I was. It makes me smile to hear that John is returning to the bench.

Matt Guthrie