Holton ara tournament results


The day started out with thunder and lightening, which subsided to just rain and winds, of course this quit around 4:00pm, so we could cook our steaks in the sunshine.

T1 MWorthington 2,125
T2 JGobel 2,200
T3 WWheeler 2,075
T4 TMahoney 2,275
T5 MWorthington 2,050
T6 MWorthington 2,300

Tournament Placing

1st M Worthington 2070.833
2nd J Gobel 2,025.833
3rd W Wheeler 2,018.333
4th T Mahoney 1,954.167
5th J Plencner 1,915.833

We had a total of 12 shooter, includes 2 juniors.

Thanks to all who came and shot, those who helped out, and my wife Karen for cooking the food. I could not have done this with out you.

I hope to see you in Sept, for our next club match

Almost forgot, Congrats to J Gobel - won the drawing for the free shoot.

You did a great job! Cleaning two guns and setting up the grandkids for their relay, rotating two sets of flags and equipment, shooting, and running the tournament is just astounding. I don't think I could do it. As always you and Holton have the best food EVER for a tournament (Ribeye steaks folks over an 1" thick or giant chicken breasts), your wife's wonderful homemade potato salad and good sweet corn (a staple here in Indiana). Cool awards too! For anyone else reading this that have never been to Holton....it is a wonderful facility. 30 benches, campground, hot showers, neat old clubhouse and great company. You need to make the trip someday. Wish it were closer.

Mike and James GREAT SHOOTING GUYS . mike congrads on the win,, are you guys going to the nationals .....if so i will see you there ......

Thanks for the kind words. - Are you missing a bottle of cleaning solution _ Pat Canning found one in front of the benches where you were cleaning.

If so let me know and I will bring it to Hillsdale


Sometimes one writes without thinking. Half those shooters are from Indiana though.

Hope to see you at the next IBS shoot at Holton.

No I'm not missing a bottle of cleaning solution. I appreciate that you asked. I saw that bottle and picked it up and thought best to lay it back where it was so the person that is missing it would go back and look for it. I should have given it to you but, like my home range, we don't see anyone for a great amount of time and it wouldn't matter. You should talk these guys that shoot NBRSA and IBS into trying out the ARA rimfire bit. By the way, since SCOTTY HERBERT asked, are you and Mike Worthington tinking about going to the ARA Nationals? If either of you are let me know we (and James Goble) can meet up and eat dinner one night. Thanks for the good tournament. I'll try to make it again next year. If you get the State Tournament and hold a double I will definately be there (shy of a family emergency).
