Holton ARA - State Tournament


Smaller turnout, winds 15 - 30 miles, and switchy. 11 shooters includes 2 juniors.

T1 2,000 M Worthihngton
T2 2,000 T Mahoney
T3 1,875 T Mahoney
T4 1,860 W Wheeler
T5 2,025 W Wheeler
T6 2,000 J Carper

1st J Carper 1797.500 132 pnts
2nd W Wheeler 1,749.167 120 pnts
3rd T Mahoney 1,736.667 108 pnts
4th J Plencner 1,703.333 96 pnts
5th G Kondek 1,680.000 84 pnts

High Target 2,025 W Wheeler

1st C Wheeler 1,035
2nd K Wheeler 985.833

Thanks to all the competitors, for shooting.

Special thanks to wife, Karen, Neene and Shelby Ackerman.

The two tournament week end, has mixed results, Some of the competitors found in taxing, while others enjoyed it.

If Holton hosts the state tournament next year, I will poll those who shot this year to determine, if we will hold another double.


Bill Wheeler
Match Director
I can say this first and foremost.....the conditions were very difficult and challenging! It made me pull my hair out (if I had any). I really enjoyed your company and you put on a FIRST class show with the best looking pieces of wood I've ever seen. It was nice sitting and talking to you, your wife, Tim and Tammy and Carl and his wife, and Gary in the evenings. I really enjoyed the weekend. Heck, if you would have said the steak fry was T-bones maybe more folks would have come. You, Terry, and Rex shot really well on Sunday. It made it fun. Rex Thompson please e-mail me when you get a chance (jmcarper@indy.rr.com) I have an idea of what was going on later in the day.

Thanks -

Carp thanks for the kind words, yes the winds were it bit ruff. It was a pleasure having you and Gary up here. I hope to see you more often.
Our club matches are the second saturday of the month, from May tthrough Oct.

I was surprised that the indivs who requested the two day tourn did not show. I guess they found it to difficult the last time they were here.

Um, Bill? Where the conditions much better this time? Other than temp, it wasn't that much different windwise :). Had a blast, just wish it hadn't taken a whole day of practice to get up to speed. Thanks for the great shoot, Gary