Holbrook Results June 20,2015


New member
Had a good turnout for such a short notice and father days weekend!
Peter Wass from Maine and Stuart Spector that took the first ferry off Martha's Vineyard. Great TMto have them both back. Peter is going to shoot my guns at the Nationals in CA in Sept. 11, I let him shoot my HV Thomas and gave him three lots of JSB Monsters. Dropped one point the first card and went clean the next 5 cards for a 1499 107X,
I tried my LV Thomas with a different barrel that didn't like a couple of lots of JSB but changed to AA and did better. I will put my old barrel back for the Worlds and Nationals.
13 250's with 5 different people shooting at least one 250.
Open Class
David Shattuck BM-500 .22 247 17X, 250 13X, 249 11X, 746 41X
LV Class
Mark Normandin RAW .177 250 16X, 250 18X, 250 15X, 750 49X
Paul Bendix Thomas .177 245 11X, 247 13X, 249 17X, 741 41X
HV Class
Pete Wass Thomas .177 249 10X, 250 20X, 250 18X, 749 48X
250 19X, 250 19X, 250 21X, 750 59X
Mark Normandin RAW .177 250 13X, 247 16X, 250 16X, 747 45X
Mark Marini TM .177 249 12X, 248 14X, 250 14X, 747 40X
Stuart Spector TM .177 248 13X, 250 14X, 246 12X, 744 39X
Chris Sloan TM .177 249 14X, 247 10X, 246 12X, 742 36X
Mark Marini TM .177 247 11X, 246 6X, 249 10X, 742 27X
Stuart Spector TM .177 249 11X, 245 10X, 247 9X, 741 29X
Chris Sloan TM .177 247 12X, 245 13X, 247 10X, 739 35X

Thanks for all the help in range setup and take down. Next indoor match will be after the Worlds and USA Nationals. Have a safe Summer!
Paul Bendix
Sent from my iPad
It was a good day had by all with everyone shooting at least one 249 or better in their efforts.

Paul and I were talking after the match about how when Holbrook first started out 7, or has it been 8 years ago now, the scores averaged so much lower. At our first Outdoor match nobody could even break into the 700's with their Agg Scores. Indoors we'd see the occasional 250, but those were rare and usually shot by the same shooter time and time again. Plus, back then was when we were shooting the old USBR (CORRECTION: MEANT TO SAY: "AGBR", NOT "USBR") target with its slightly larger 10-ring.

So, here we are today using the World Target and seeing multiple 250's shot time and time again from the likes of Mark Normandin, Pete Wass, and when he shoots, Paul Bendix, with the balance of shooters chasing close behind. And it's not uncommon to see Agg Scores either approaching or equalling 750 with unbelievable "X" counts. And it's not just Indoors. At last year's Northeast Regionals Paul shot a 750 Agg for his 25M Open Class score.

Yup, times sure have changed - for the better.

Thanks for running another great match Paul, and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone in the Fall.

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Thank You Paul

I did not expect to be able to shoot the Thomas Saturday but appreciate you plugging me in to it. It is a fantastic machine, to say the least. I look forward to September now and hopefully can figure out the conditions @ Open Grove.

HV Thomas

Pete, Glad you could come down and shoot one Thomas before the Nationals, that slow twist LW that Dan Brown had LW make sure loves the JSB Monsters! Now if I get the LV Thomas shooting as well? Still a toss up which barrel I will use? Getting good at swapping barrels! Will try shooting after pistol league tonight.
Found another 4 lots of AA 8.4 from 2008 and 2009.
1499 out of 1500 pellets from the Tin sure beats sorting pellets!

David, We sure have come a long way! Three shooters the first outdoor match, even shooting in snow storms and -30 degrees at Pinnacle Mountain.
If you said in 2007 I would spend over $3,000 - $4,000 for an Air Rifle Match? I would say your crazy !
Looks like I am the Crazy one!
Like Peter Wass says It's only the nursing home's money so why not?

I'm wich ya on the sorting - -

Pete, Glad you could come down and shoot one Thomas before the Nationals, that slow twist LW that Dan Brown had LW make sure loves the JSB Monsters! Now if I get the LV Thomas shooting as well? Still a toss up which barrel I will use? Getting good at swapping barrels! Will try shooting after pistol league tonight.
Found another 4 lots of AA 8.4 from 2008 and 2009.
1499 out of 1500 pellets from the Tin sure beats sorting pellets!

David, We sure have come a long way! Three shooters the first outdoor match, even shooting in snow storms and -30 degrees at Pinnacle Mountain.
If you said in 2007 I would spend over $3,000 - $4,000 for an Air Rifle Match? I would say your crazy !
Looks like I am the Crazy one!
Like Peter Wass says It's only the nursing home's money so why not?


What little of it I did, did not seem to matter much. What did seem to matter was the lot the pellets came from, not un-like Rimfire Ammo. I am looking forward to September. Have you tried a mid barrel tuner on your LV barrels? I found them to be the most effective thing on my two rifles. The Purdy thing seemed to work but only sometimes. When it works though, it is amazing!

David, We sure have come a long way! Three shooters the first outdoor match, even shooting in snow storms and -30 degrees at Pinnacle Mountain.
If you said in 2007 I would spend over $3,000 - $4,000 for an Air Rifle Match? I would say your crazy !
Looks like I am the Crazy one!
Like Peter Wass says It's only the nursing home's money so why not?


Guess I was wrong! That makes this our 9th season of blasting away with these popguns. Wow, doesn't seem possible, the same as it doesn't seem like it being my 20th year of shooting bench rest in general. Seems like only yesterday. Where has the time gone? Of course, as the years go by I'm finding my memory isn't quite as crisp as it use to be, so there should be no surprise about it not seeming like that long.

Have a great trip down under, and don't forget to bring home the trophy. After all, no one deserves it more than you, that's for sure.

Picture of the Thomas Peter Wass shot

Thomas Pete Wass shot was SN 0002

David, I said 2007 as that was the year of IR 50/50 Nationals held in NY.
Shortly after AGBR started. First outdoor match at Holbrook was 2008.

Great Scores Guys

Some great scores and history... it would be great to see an article about the history of Holbrook Air Gun Benchrest and other clubs including my own (Wild River Benchrest) including a timeline of records achieved along the way to put things in perspective.

Keep up the good work, the Holbrook gang keeps the rest of us on our toes with no time to get lazy or complacent.

Until the Thomas BR Rifle came along I believed my Air Arms EV-2 could hold it's own in LV after finding a good barrel; not so much today.

Paul, I thought that rifle was Maroon or Burgundy colored... great looking rifle from a color standpoint. I've never liked the looks of the Thomas BR rifle, calling it "Butt-Ugly" on several occasions; however, yours and several others have shot so many 750 + 40X and higher scores that I believe the Thomas BR Rifle has earned my respect to the point that it looks mighty good... even great and beautiful when those 750 + 50X plus scores are shot.

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Some great scores and history... it would be great to see an article about the history of Holbrook Air Gun Benchrest and other clubs including my own (Wild River Benchrest) including a timeline of records achieved along the way to put things in perspective.

Keep up the good work, the Holbrook gang keeps the rest of us on our toes with no time to get lazy or complacent.

Until the Thomas BR Rifle came along I believed my Air Arms EV-2 could hold it's own in LV after finding a good barrel; not so much today.

Paul, I thought that rifle was Maroon or Burgundy colored... great looking rifle from a color standpoint. I've never liked the looks of the Thomas BR rifle, calling it "Butt-Ugly" on several occasions; however, yours and several others have shot so many 750 + 40X and higher scores that I believe the Thomas BR Rifle has earned my respect to the point that it looks mighty good... even great and beautiful when those 750 + 50X plus scores are shot.

I like the Thomas as I can load a pellet in the swing Breach. I spent two years with my USFT but could never get it to shoot HV and LV Class. Above 30 fpe shot OK. Also can pack two Thomas's in a small rifle case with scopes and wind flag poles!
Both my Thomas's

Have all the records from 2008 on both indoor and outdoor shoots at Holbrook and Pinnacle Mountain in N.H. Maybe after the Worlds and Nationals will give some highlights.