Holbrook 25 yd indoor results 11/5/16


New member
Results Holbrook 25 yard Indoor Airgun Benchrest. Scores for Score Line.
Springer Class
Stuart Spector FWB 300 .177 Holbrook 221 2X, 226 4X, 222 1X, 669 7X
LV Class
Mark Marini Thomas .177 Holbrook 249 12X, 250 15X, 247 13X, 746 40X
Stuart Spector RAW .177 Holbrook 248 10X, 248 10X, 245 9X, 741 29X
David Shattuck RAW .177 Holbrook 244 8X, 246 7X, 242 3X, 732 18X
HV Class
Paul Bendix Thomas .177 Holbrook 250 17X, 250 13X, 250 18X, 750 48X
Mark Marini Thomas .177 Holbrook 250 16X, 250 11X, 250 16X, 750 43X
Paul Bendix Thomas .177 Holbrook 250 14X, 248 14X, 250 13X, 748 41X
David Shattuck RAW .177 Holbrook 244 7X, 249 14X, 250 11X, 743 32X
Chris Sloan RAW .177 Holbrook 240 7X, 247 11X, 247 7X, 734 25X
Open Class
Chris Sloan FX-400 .22 Holbrook 238 3X, 246 4X, 243 6X, 727 13X

Thanks for all the help with the range set-up and take down. Also with the scoring help from Chris , Mark and David. A big thank you to Mark making the adapter to use the pellet pen to help me load the Thomas. With my arthritis I can not pick up a pellet. With this device hope to be shooting a few more years!
Paul Bendix

Sent from my iPad
good shooting all

nice 750's Paul & Mark
even indoors the HV Thomas's are shooting a little better then the LV Thomas's ?

we call it a pellet plucker here on the west coast
very easy to make
made from a hair pin inserted into a handle of choice



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nice 750's Paul & Mark
even indoors the HV Thomas's are shooting a little better then the LV Thomas's ?


My HV gun has been set up and shooting well for quite a while.
My LV gun just got a new barrel the day before the match.
I suspect it will do better next month after I get some time with it.

we call it a pellet plucker here on the west coast
very easy to make
made from a hair pin inserted into a handle of choice


I came up with something a little different.
With this Paul won't have to handle the pellets at all
during the match. Takes a little getting used to.
Seems to work well for him as he won the HV class.



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Gonna have to try one of them pellet pluckers!!!

With my big paws along with trying to handle those tiny little pellets with my arthritic fingers making it kind of tough loading my .22 BM and .177 TM without ruining the pellet heads. In fact, it was just saying today in an email to Mark that I was saying how my old AA S400 MPR with its built-in loading ramp, along with what I had on my Theoben was making me think that maybe I'd be better off regressing back to those guns. The biggest issue with either was making sure the pellet was facing in the right direction before closing the bolts.

Where did you get that handle? The bobby pin is no problem as they're a dime a dozen at any Wally's World. But I like the looks of that handle.

Oh, and the picture Mark posted showing what he made for Paul in no way does justice to how well it works. Fabulous and Outstanding are the 2 words that come to mind!


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anything that feels handy in your hand will work
drill a hole in the end and insert the hairpin
here is one i use pretty regularly
it is a handle from an old toothbrush
i insert the pellet with one end and seat the pellet with the other end


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we call it a pellet plucker here on the west coast
very easy to make
made from a hair pin inserted into a handle of choice


Tom gave me a pellet plucker at the Nationals for my SUMO that Linda made.(she retired to Mexico with her husband both shot FWB P70) it worked great on .22 18.1 gr pellets. But wouldn't pick up a .177 8.4. I needed to make a smaller one for .177's. Ron showed me all the ones he has made. Even with all my shaking it would take most of the 20 min to load 25 pellets so had to shoot all wind conditions to get 25 shots off.
With Mark's snap on plate and his modification of the pellet pen. I could shoot a card in 8 min. Takes a little getting use too and one time loaded two pellets but knew it so went off target and fired. It work's with 8.4 and monsters. Have not tried Beasts yet.
Will let David try the tool Tom gave me for his RAW next match.
Still have shooting at your range along with Ron's and Wacky Wayne's on my Bucket List.
Gas is over $2.00 and Diesel over$2.20 now. Just rubbing it in.
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here is the view from my guest room after i move all the guns off the bed ;)


  • 002View_0591.JPG
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that is brilliant
Paul if it will hold enuff pellets for a card + sighters ? you will not have any problems from now on

I came up with something a little different.
With this Paul won't have to handle the pellets at all
during the match. Takes a little getting used to.
Seems to work well for him as he won the HV class.



  • Pellet_Pen.jpg
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that is brilliant
Paul if it will hold enuff pellets for a card + sighters ? you will not have any problems from now on

Dick each pellet pen holds 18-20 monsters so two pens are plenty. With the 8.4 holds a few more. They say they hold 25 pellets but work better with less.
Just ordered two more so can have two for HV Monsters and two for LV 8.4's.
Have to swap the part Mark makes between the two Thomas's.but that fits over the side lever cover.

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Thanks Dick. I'll give it a try.

And Paul, looks like you had better pack a couple of fishing poles as well. Could almost stand on the deck and cast a line.
