Hoke Kerns is in ICU


Ididn't get to meet you untill the winter nationals 08. You have done so mucvh to help me with getting out the information about my mid-barrel dampners. I will never be able to repay your kindness. Get well soon so that you can try out the new improved modle i gave you at the nationals. there are just not enough great guys that are so respected as you. get well soon.
Hoke doing better

according to his son. Was able to lift leg & arm this morning. Hoping medication can resolve the situation. Our prayers to all in the family.
Hoke is a little better

Still not talking and is highly sedated. They are going to take him to rehab in Montgomery when he is able. He is still in ICU. Received blood today. Will go see him again tomorrow and see what I can tell about recovery. Mickey
His mail box is full too...

I wondered why my e-mail was being returned with a note the mail box was full. Probably enough back mail to cause a relapse. Certainly a task to answer all of it. God bless and recover soon.
Get well soon Hoke, just do what they say in rehab and you will be home quickly. You will be in my prayers, just hang in there I know it will be tough but I am recovering from my stroke and accident real well.
See ya soon
Gary Shelton
Update on Hoke

I have not been able to talk to him. His wife says he is doing better. Able to talk a little bit and moved his leg. I went yesterday to see him and will go back today. Will keep everyone posted as best as I can. Mickey
Thanks Mickey, Your a good friend to Hoke please keep us updated.Jerry

I went to see Hoke again today. He still was sleeping. His wife says he is doing better. Will go again tomorrow to check on him. Mickey

Just got back from seeing Hoke. For the first time he was semi-awake. Not talking very good. I did understand one thing though he is wanting to go home. Mickey
Hoke Kerns

Mickey, thanks for keeping us posted on Hokes progress.
Hospital Address

Just mail it to the Hospital. They will get it to him

Flowers Hospital
4370 W. Main Street
Dothan, AL 36305

Mickey, thanks for all your efforts. This fine gentleman is in all our prayers and I pray I will shoot with him soon.
Mickey, Thanks for keeping us updated on Hoke's condition. Those of us who treasure Hoke's friendship appreciate your effort. Thanks again, Ken...GET WELL HOKE !
Get Well Soon

Take good care of yourself and get well soon
looking forward to shooting with you again this year

Your Friend
Cliff Keesee
Hoke Update

Just got back from seeing Hoke. He has improved. I can understand just about all his speech now. He wanted me to thank everyone for asking about him and also about the well wishes you sent. Still don't know when he might get in a regular room, go to rehab in Montgomery, or work it out to go home and go to rehab as out patient. Will keep all of you informed as much as I can. Mickey:)
Thanks Mickey!

Thank you very much for keeping us posted on Hoke's condition.
Hopefully everything continues to improve.
