Hey guys


New member
Anyone have a recommendation on survival foods?

Here is my list:
Honey, peanut butter, beans and rice. So I keep 10 gallons of beans and approx. 10 of rice. Other niceties include dehydrated egg yolks, hamburger and milk. I also have MRE's and other meals in a freezer. If you need antibiotics you can cross reference fish antibiotics as they are human grade. I've been into survival longer (reading survival gear reviews) than any other focus so much I secretly wish for a catastrophe just to rotate stock.
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Donate it to a food bank and rebuy. Much better than a catastrophe that the rest of us would have to deal with. Oh wait, we have a catastrophe going on right now in this country. Eat up.
Anyone have a recommendation on survival foods?

Here is my list:
Honey, peanut butter, beans and rice. So I keep 10 gallons of beans and approx. 10 of rice. Other niceties include dehydrated egg yolks, hamburger and milk. I also have MRE's and other meals in a freezer. If you need antibiotics you can cross reference fish antibiotics as they are human grade. I've been into survival longer (reading survival gear reviews) than any other focus so much I secretly wish for a catastrophe just to rotate stock.

Dude, seriously, if it's actually SURVIVAL you're going for as opposed to coolness factor it's about canned goods, specifically canned proteins..... all that dehydrated crap is just money down the drain. As is freezer stuff. FREEZER??? REALLY??? ..... c'mon, you lose that stuff in a simple power outage......

Go to a restaurant supply house and buy 4-packs of gallon CANS of meats and stews, preferably in oil. Tuna in oil and any other sort of protein (sausages/eggs/oysters/fishes/bully) you can find in oil......salt, sugar (instant energy), pepper and spices and bulk fats like margarine and lard can be double vacuum packed and will last 25yrs but must be well contained externally (heavy tote) to keep the meese out. Peanut butter is hiking fuel, not survival food.

Interestingly enough I've a couple hundred MRE's upstairs in my shop in cardboard boxes and the mouses don't touch 'em! We flopped 'em down noting "we'd better get back up here and contain these" and just never did, cuz the anti-rodent packaging seems to be working :)

Don't bother with canned fruits and veggies, they're not survival food, they'll just kill you faster, even the old standby "rice and beans" zeroes out in days as your bodies loses the ability to sugarize it and things like potatoes are actually negative yield.

To LIVE you need meat and you need fats.... period.

Some really stupid SHTF hoards include gold, "powdered hydration drinks", "trade goods" and stuff for barter......firewood, flour and grains etc..

Your need is shelter, water, fire, protein

I very much agree on the antibiotics..... In waterproof green cases with red crosses I keep at least a 50 thousand mgs each of doxy, augmentin, double that of penicillin and amoxycillin, and assorted azithromycin, cephalaxin, metronizadole, and ciproflaxin.... and a few bottles of aspirin for the whiners....

But then I've been self-medicating for 40yrs. Use'tacould we'd buy our hunting antibiotics at the local vet or tackstore..... then online bird meds, and now fish meds. The 50lb of meds I now keep aside has cost me less than a couple Dr visits....

IMO if you're actually serious about living it comes down to two things...... meats and antibiotics.



BTW freezers do have a legitimate function..... pick up busted ones along the road for free and use them for buried storage. Sprayed with grease, wrapped in visqueen and buried 6" will keep stuff in most climates. If you're in Minn'desoda though you'd best find a hillside and a brushpile and get 6ft of cover over the stuff for frost protection ;)

And I have about 20 plastic 55gal drums with ring-clamp lids I've had stuff buried in for ten yrs at this point WITH THE LID EXPOSED (not for survival, for caches of targets and stuff down the range) and found them to be so good I may bury some for long-term
Ohhh, and I forgot, on the subject of meds add Bag Balm, sulfas (powder and pill) and topicals of choice (Bacitricin, Neosporin, Betadine) and we always have epi-pens and Benadryl to hand

And.... med'cines DO NOT "go bad"...... they DO NOT have a shelf life altho epi-pens may lose charge so if you've anaphylactics in the house it's worthwhile to over-stock IMO

And never forget, epinephrine is available in liquid form if you're dedicated enough.

Many survival scenarios are based on nuclear war and its aftermath. Several things must be considered which you may overlook. Your car won't work because of the NMP generated by nuclear explosions. The only way to prevent this is to surround the vehicle with a metal cage to intercept the pulse before it reaches the sensitive electronics of your vehicle. You will not be killed by radiation from the detonation. If you are close enough to be killed by the immediate radiation you will be killed by the blast. The most dangerous fallout is short lived. A lot of it will be gone within 2 days. If you are exposed to fallout ditch your clothing and scrub your body thoroughly. Don't venture out immediately out after a nearby nuclear blast. Wait 24-48 hours after unless you are in immediate danger. A lot of deaths after a nuclear blast are due to the resulting fires. Be on the lookout for fire.
See all you guys after Armageddon. I will be the naked (but clean) person driving the car wrapped in tinfoil.
se there is an advantage to a 67 vw...no electronics.....
as far as scrubbing use body temp water to prevent skin pores from closing on debris.
twinkies rule
Many survival scenarios are based on nuclear war and its aftermath. Several things must be considered which you may overlook. Your car won't work because of the NMP generated by nuclear explosions. The only way to prevent this is to surround the vehicle with a metal cage to intercept the pulse before it reaches the sensitive electronics of your vehicle. You will not be killed by radiation from the detonation. If you are close enough to be killed by the immediate radiation you will be killed by the blast. The most dangerous fallout is short lived. A lot of it will be gone within 2 days. If you are exposed to fallout ditch your clothing and scrub your body thoroughly. Don't venture out immediately out after a nearby nuclear blast. Wait 24-48 hours after unless you are in immediate danger. A lot of deaths after a nuclear blast are due to the resulting fires. Be on the lookout for fire.
See all you guys after Armageddon. I will be the naked (but clean) person driving the car wrapped in tinfoil.
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Many survival scenarios are based on nuclear war and its aftermath. Several things must be considered which you may overlook. Your car won't work because of the NMP generated by nuclear explosions. The only way to prevent this is to surround the vehicle with a metal cage to intercept the pulse before it reaches the sensitive electronics of your vehicle. You will not be killed by radiation from the detonation. If you are close enough to be killed by the immediate radiation you will be killed by the blast. The most dangerous fallout is short lived. A lot of it will be gone within 2 days. If you are exposed to fallout ditch your clothing and scrub your body thoroughly. Don't venture out immediately out after a nearby nuclear blast. Wait 24-48 hours after unless you are in immediate danger. A lot of deaths after a nuclear blast are due to the resulting fires. Be on the lookout for fire.
See all you guys after Armageddon. I will be the naked (but clean) person driving the car wrapped in tinfoil.
I take the whole EMP thing as a positive.....because of it I can justify and enjoy hotrods and trucks. EVER'BODY needs a couple flatfenders and a jacked up 454 w/Predator carbs and some spare HEI's and Olde Schoole distributors inna box is, ummm, insurance. And we drive silver cars.....
Nobody mentioned Spam (the real stuff)

My uncle said during WWII he just about lived on Spam while fighting in Europe. As one who has eaten Spam and powdered eggs, it ain't bad if that is all you have.
Spam is easily handled and you can buy by the truck load if need be.
MRE’s and Tabasco sauce.
I could be wrong but believe small bottles of Tabasco are packed IN MREs, or at least, used to be packed in them. Something about adding flavor to the "food".
"MRE" - Meals Rejected by Everyone.... ;)

Anyone have a recommendation on survival foods?

Here is my list:
Honey, peanut butter, beans and rice. So I keep 10 gallons of beans and approx. 10 of rice. Other niceties include dehydrated egg yolks, hamburger and milk. I also have MRE's and other meals in a freezer. If you need antibiotics you can cross reference fish antibiotics as they are human grade. I've been into survival longer (reading survival gear reviews) than any other focus so much I secretly wish for a catastrophe just to rotate stock.

What do you plan to do when that stuff runs out?

My uncle said during WWII he just about lived on Spam while fighting in Europe. As one who has eaten Spam and powdered eggs, it ain't bad if that is all you have.
Spam is easily handled and you can buy by the truck load if need be.

Yes, great call!.... it is basically the ultimate survival food with a 70yr shelf life and you can actually live on it unlike all the "survival" crap.

I have about 70lb of it in my gun safe from 10yrs ago, thank you for reminding me of it!

I'll get it moved to the storage under my house now

Guess I'd better go get them MRE's down from the shop too LOL
I could be wrong but believe small bottles of Tabasco are packed IN MREs, or at least, used to be packed in them. Something about adding flavor to the "food".
"MRE" - Meals Rejected by Everyone.... ;)

MRE's made in the last ten yrs mostly have Tabasco IME

I'm not sure what the gag is, but I hang out with jarheads and no matter where they are when things get too cowboy it's like "hang on a minnit, let me empty my pockets."...... it's always Tabasco ;)

Anyone who can use a term like "Meals Rejected by Everyone" has never been hungry
Adding flavor

I could be wrong but believe small bottles of Tabasco are packed IN MREs, or at least, used to be packed in them. Something about adding flavor to the "food".
"MRE" - Meals Rejected by Everyone.... ;)

We got mini bottles of hot sauce (separately)to add flavor to some of the meal items in C-Rations in 1966-67.
Some liked the C’s without the hot sauce. Different strokes,different folks.
I got just about every seasoning you can think of ,in my pantry. Including several bottles of hot sauce.
When,on occasion I go out to a high end restaurant, I take a mini bottle of hot sauce,to add flavor to my menu selection.?

My uncle said during WWII he just about lived on Spam while fighting in Europe. As one who has eaten Spam and powdered eggs, it ain't bad if that is all you have. Spam is easily handled and you can buy by the truck load if need be.

My good pal Stan Ware told me this 'Spam Story':

Stan lived in Windom, Mn. and was drafted into the Army and went to Viet Nam. Also in Windom was a company that had an Army contract for packaging the C-rats. On his first day in-country, he opened his C-rats and there was the Spam...which is made in Austin, Mn. On the package was name of the place in Windom that packaged it.

"Jeezus, Nyhus....I got shipped 8,000 miles to eat crap made an hour an half from where I live and packaged 5 minutes from my house!" :D
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I could be wrong but believe small bottles of Tabasco are packed IN MREs, or at least, used to be packed in them. Something about adding flavor to the "food".er
"MRE" - Meals Rejected by Everyone.... ;)

Guys used to steal Tabasco from the mess hall to use on the " C Rations ". Nothing in there to cover the taste but you got a little pack of cigarettes which was a good trade item.

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