Help with primers?

so i have used /sold the most probably over the last four years and have not had the ftf issue....
( i use them, i sell them and furnish to the two ffl 06's that do my commercial reloading)

i do not know what to tell you guys ???

i only get the good lots ??? only get the bad lots ???

figure 25-to 50k every month..........(small pistol,small pistol mag, large pistol, small rifle, small rifle 223, small rifle mag, large rifle( and just one brick of large rifle mag fro the 1000yd gun)
(ok...i have had ONE report of a commercially reloaded 9mm not going 4 years...somewhere between 1 and 2 millon primers)
mike in co
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Mike In Co
When they first showed up I used the regular small rifle primers and they were so soft fireforming loads would pierce them.When I got tired of pulling the firing pin out to clean all the blanked primers I switched to the SRM's which cured the popped primer problem only to inherit FTF problems.If I want weak primer cups Fed 205M are nearby and if I want click nothing click maybe boom I still have the Russians handy.
None of my Russian primers are newer than 4 years old.
I am using CCI 450 Magnums and CCI BR2's in just about everything now.
Some people think Norma brass is the strongest stuff on earth.

What can I say.

The lot I have has to be absolutley crushed in the bottom of the primer pocket to get them to work regardless of caliber. That's one reason I never ever make primer pockets deeper.
with the exception of my 1000 yd rifle with the mag lr primers all else is used in average day to day type shooting. no one i sell to,that i know of, competes in any form of precision rifle shooting.
the large rifle are very good in several 308 win rifles,,,but i have not tried them in the 308 win br rifle.....

soo maybe they are great well priced everyday primers...........
Mike In Co
Mike the way I load my 6BR is for the top node.If you use Fed 205M primers it will blank about 1/3 of them at my accuracy powder charge.If I back the load down just slightly so I only occasionally blank a primer my extreme spread goes up and my accuracy isn't as good.
I could back the load down a full grain or more but why do that if a simple switch to the CCI 450 Magnum cures everything.
When you read a post and the person posting is using Fed 205M primers in a 6BR they are not shooting at the top node.
Fed 205's do not work well in my 6BR's. I use the K&M tool with all primers, and firmly press them to bottom. I shot about 600 Wolf SRM's in my Dasher, until one blew, and I had priming compound in my eye. Now I use only 450's and consider them better than the Wolf.
Fed 205's do not work well in my 6BR's. I use the K&M tool with all primers, and firmly press them to bottom. I shot about 600 Wolf SRM's in my Dasher, until one blew, and I had priming compound in my eye. Now I use only 450's and consider them better than the Wolf.

safety glasses?

alinwa; safety Glasses, I can't believe Dave Tooley would even play with anything that went click, bang! take them out back and bury them, the primers that is.

Joe salt
No For me it was and is all about the depth of the primer pocket, height of the primer cup and using a priming tool that will reach half way to China when I seat the primer. I've used them with no issues in the same brass that gave me problems but they have to be bottomed out and be seated very firmly. Knowing this if I'm the least bit careless I'll get missfires and click bangs. Just the nature of the beast. I would bet most of us acquired/started using these during the primer shortage. I know I did. I've got 3K left then I'm done with them.

All these primer issues that you folks are talking about have me concerned. I switched from BR2's to Tula KVB7's about 3 years ago and just finished up my 5000 lot. ES's/SD's improved dramatically with the change. Not a single problem in my 284 or 6SLR. I load develop in temps as low as 30 here in MN and I "hate/embarrassed" to admit I still use a Lee Auto primer for the last 25 years, I've become accustom to it's seating "feel" vs some of the other units. The Tula's have treated me well! I still have about 10k of the BR2's but was just getting ready to put in another order of Tula's, for this years HP season. Now I'm beginning to wonder if there has been a recent change in the QC @ the plant? Am I one of the few who has not had problems with the Tula's? Comments appreciated as always! Eric in DL
lunch in dl next to the idea what the name of that big place was....on the way up to Ely
and no i do not think there is a quality issue.....
go buy somemore

mike in co