Help me out here.

jackie schmidt;605417 That old thing of "you get 7 minutes to decide which 20 seconds you will use to shoot your group" simply does not work in score. You have to move the Rifle to each target said:
My experience here in the NorthEast in Score is different, as a few of our top guns run them PDQ, Mr. Weaver being one of them.......and these guys rarely drop points, only X's.
One thing I forgot to address in my other replys, the attitudes. I have been received by both communities very well. However only in a score atmosphere. I have never attended a group match. There have been times when I have witnessed some attitude from shooters, I feel its more of a north vs. south thing and is typically from those who have been doing well then are struggling to place. We all have our moments, we just have bad timing sometimes. Over all, I would say some of the nicest people I have met in this sport are from Record holders to Rookies. Its up to us to play nice with everyone and accept anyone to our game. Be it they are from Group, Score or Slingshots .. We as the Benchrest Community are our only advertising. I think some new shooters see our equipment and just figure its never going to be for them. Its up to us to let them know a factory rifle can compete, let them borrow equipment, or put them on a used rifle thats in the budget. I dont think any serious shooter is in a position to not encourage competition.
Andy B

I'm out here... Al Walewski is currently running the Harrison matches and has replied above. Send him your address so you get on his mailing list.

Let us know when your matches are. We will come up if possible. I have really enjoyed the weekends we spent up at the Soo. I would check Holton's schedule for group matches before you set a date for your's. Most all the shooters in the area go to Holton.

If Glorya and I can get there, we gotta continue the tradition of din-din at the casino with the natives.

Hello George:

I HAVE been thinking about your URB score target. We plan to run two score matches UP here next Summer. Will you have a 200 yard target printed and ready by next June or July?

We just built a new cover with 6 benchres over our 200 yard firing line this year. The plan is to run 200 yards on Saturday and 100 yards on Sunday. At least two matches: June to September, to fit in with the schedules at Holton and Harrison Michigan.

Let me know about the possibility of 200 yard UBR targets and I will talk it over with our club's Centerfire shooters.

Joe Haller Mr. Frosty

Can you send me samples of your new target and a copy of your rules. Our club has a meeting on Wednesday, December 15th, and I would like to present this new target & rules at that meeting.

Joe Haller
P.O. Box 1776
Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan 49783
It was not long before "someone" changed the rules and allowed high dollar custom guns. Then "Varmint for Score" came in. Well, guess what? That target is too easy for the custom built 6ppc rifles.

Joe, With all due respect to you and other PPC shooters, when was the last 250-25x target shot with a 6PPC? Score ain't easy with a 30 and is even harder with a 6. JMHO--Mike
"""Also, I have a feeling that a lot of die hard Group Shooters, (I am one), do not like score because of the way they have learned to shoot Benchrest. That old thing of "you get 7 minutes to decide which 20 seconds you will use to shoot your group" simply does not work in score. You have to move the Rifle to each target, and the idea that you actually have to hit that little dot does make you stop and read the flags, rather than just waiting for the tails to drop and racking 5 shots down range as fast as you can cycle the Rifle. Try that in score, and you will get introduced to "Mr Nine" real quick..........jackie

Oh boy YES... Is that truth...

Hi Joe, yes I can send samples and the rules such as they are can be found on the thread Inaugural UBR match at Buckcreek, at this time rules are dealing with classes shot, the target is scored best edge with the dot counting as an eleven.

Thank you
Danny Hensley
I would stick to local rules.
I would be courteous and freindly to all the shooters.
If a new shooer makes a mistake let him know what has happened and what should be done in ther future in a humane tone/voice.
New shooters like to shoot alot of ammo
The worst thing you could do would be to make them pay a sanctioning organization $50 and see nothing out of it.The IBS gets a magazine atleast
If the guys running the matches are not people friendly forget the whole idea.
Something I picked up on in a different thread is that score matches, at least IBS, have factory classes. A new shooter that goes to see what it is all about might try their hand using the factory rifle that they just happened to bring along. Being unfamiliar with group shoots, I don't know if they have a factory class, but if they don't, that may be one reason why score shooting is attracting new shooters. Randy J.
Would Just like to say to new shooters, for which we all were @ one time, find a range that has matches, either local or registered, pick a date from there schedule and take a drive. When you get there introduce yourself to the match director (do this several hours before the match) and that you've read a LITTLE about Br and would like to see for yourself what this is all about...
My guess would be (as long as you did this a couple hours before the match started) at the very least the director would point you to someone helpful in the club that may have a spare spotting scope to watch the event OR maybe even have a spare rifle ready to go just in case someone else has trouble (don't count on that last statement).

You will soon see after you get through the 'ICE' (some maybe thicker than others) these experienced guys and gals just love talking about Guns, Accuracy, etc. etc... who'd of thunk it?

Just can't stress enough to just GO and see what its all about. Be curtious of the shooters participating in the match as some may be preloaded, flags set up, bench ready to go, and just 'hangin out' ready to visit, while others may have had trouble with whatever and with only two hours to go need to set flags, load, overhaul rest, fix flat tire on loading trailer so things level out, re bed action, rebuild trigger, change scope, jump down spin around and pick a bail of cotton, weight in, etc etc... those individuals would NOT be the ones to visit with before the match but, if all goes well, maybe after.

OR, there's how I got started, I went to a Br gunsmith by the Name of Stan Ware, picked him because he was closest to me, I had a dinged up crown on my prized 22-250 (plain ole rem 700 vs) and after some examination of the barrel (while I was eyeballing all the targets pinned up in his shop along with Match Certificates) he stated that it was indeed messed up and he could fix it. I simply asked the question, "So where do you shoot these at?" I got the name of the range and thought, jeese that's 4 hours away, and just shrug it off then he mentioned the Postal league that, at the time was run by Francis Becigneul, and Stan mentioned that he had just put a new barrel on his Br Rifle and was breaking it in at his Personal range (only a short walk from the shop) and asked if I'd like to put a few through the Barrel? Are you Serious? a chance to Shoot a REAL Br Rifle with a 1oz trigger........well to cut the story short, that's all it took for me, your first actual experience with Br (not just what you read on this board) may be as pleasant but you'll never know if you don't put yourself in a position to meet and visit IN PERSON with some of the nicest, helpful, and decent people our Great Country has to offer.

I would Sure like to see a new thread on "How I Got Started in BR" I think that would make for some great reading.

Oh, almost forgot,

Merry Christmas To ALL!
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Group is fine, But score is a blast. I have a lot more fun shooting score and thats what I'm in this for is FUN. Besides I get to mess with Mike and Ralph down in Denton Texas.
Would Just like to say to new shooters, for which we all were @ one time, find a range that has matches, either local or registered, pick a date from there schedule and take a drive. When you get there introduce yourself to the match director (do this several hours before the match) and that you've read a LITTLE about Br and would like to see for yourself what this is all about...
My guess would be (as long as you did this a couple hours before the match started) at the very least the director would point you to someone helpful in the club that may have a spare spotting scope to watch the event OR maybe even have a spare rifle ready to go just in case someone else has trouble (don't count on that last statement).

You will soon see after you get through the 'ICE' (some maybe thicker than others) these experienced guys and gals just love talking about Guns, Accuracy, etc. etc... who'd of thunk it?

Just can't stress enough to just GO and see what its all about. Be curtious of the shooters participating in the match as some may be preloaded, flags set up, bench ready to go, and just 'hangin out' ready to visit, while others may have had trouble with whatever and with only two hours to go need to set flags, load, overhaul rest, fix flat tire on loading trailer so things level out, re bed action, rebuild trigger, change scope, jump down spin around and pick a bail of cotton, weight in, etc etc... those individuals would NOT be the ones to visit with before the match but, if all goes well, maybe after.

OR, there's how I got started, I went to a Br gunsmith by the Name of Stan Ware, picked him because he was closest to me, I had a dinged up crown on my prized 22-250 (plain ole rem 700 vs) and after some examination of the barrel (while I was eyeballing all the targets pinned up in his shop along with Match Certificates) he stated that it was indeed messed up and he could fix it. I simply asked the question, "So where do you shoot these at?" I got the name of the range and thought, jeese that's 4 hours away, and just shrug it off then he mentioned the Postal league that, at the time was run by Francis Becigneul, and Stan mentioned that he had just put a new barrel on his Br Rifle and was breaking it in at his Personal range (only a short walk from the shop) and asked if I'd like to put a few through the Barrel? Are you Serious? a chance to Shoot a REAL Br Rifle with a 1oz trigger........well to cut the story short, that's all it took for me, your first actual experience with Br (not just what you read on this board) may be as pleasant but you'll never know if you don't put yourself in a position to meet and visit IN PERSON with some of the nicest, helpful, and decent people our Great Country has to offer.

I would Sure like to see a new thread on "How I Got Started in BR" I think that would make for some great reading.

Oh, almost forgot,

Merry Christmas To ALL!

Steve, your new thread "How I got started in Benchrest shooting" is up and posted(at the top of this forum), your turn.
Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
Thanks for the HELP . . .

We had a club meeting tonight, and using some of the advice you guys suggested here in this thread, we made some decisions.

Rather than running 4 CF matches like we did this year, we will try ONE two day match. For now it looks like we will be using IBS score targets. We will shoot 200 yards on Saturday and 100 yards on Sunday: September 3 & 4. These 2 dates might attract some of our Lower Michigan shooters to our Upper Peninsula. On Saturday evening: Sept 3, after the match, we will meet at the Kewadin Casino for Dinner.

We'll use IBS rules for the Varmint for Score class. But, as Lynn suggested, we should use local rules for a class below VFS.

From what I read from Dick Wright, the Harrrison Club is not attracting many shooters for their Sporter/Factory class.
I need some suggestions on what restrictions we should use on our lower class. We need a set of rules that will attract new shooters to the game. Can you help me out here on rules for that lower class?

I have the CF schedules for Harrison & Iosco County. Don't know about Hillsdale, Mescosta, Cadillac or Holton.

Here is what I have.
Michigan 2011 Centerfire BR Schedule of Matches
Centerfire Benchrest
May 14 - Harrison - Group
June 4 - Harrison - Score
June 11 - Iosco County - Score & Group
June 18 - Harrison - Group
July 9 - Harrison - Score
July 23 - Harrison - Group
July 23 - Iosco County - Score & Group
Aug. 6 - Harrison - Score
Aug. 13 - Iosco County - Score & Group
Aug. 20 - Harrison - Group
Sept. 3 - Soo - Score 200 yards
Sept. 4 - Soo - Score 100 yards
Sept 10 - Harrison - Score
Michigan 2011 Rimfire BR Schedule of Matches
Apr. 17 - Soo - BR Rimfire - 25 & 50 yds
May 14 - Soo - BR Rimfire - 25 & 50 yds
June 12 - Soo - BR Rimfire - 25 & 50 yds
July 9 - Soo - BR Rimfire - Metallic Silhouette 60 to 200 yds
July 10 - Soo - BR Rimfire - 25 & 50 yds
Aug 13 - Soo - BR Rimfire - Metallic Silhouette 60 to 200 yds
Aug 14 - Soo - BR Rimfire - 25 & 50 yds - Mavis Haller Memorial
Sept 10 - Soo - BR Rimfire - Metallic Silhouette 60 to 200 yds
Sept 11 - Soo - BR Rimfire - 25 & 50 yds
Oct. 1 - Soo - BR Rimfire - Metallic Silhouette 60 to 200 yds
Oct. 2 - Soo - BR Rimfire - 25 & 50 yds
Yea: We got a corner on the RF Market UP here.
I would welcome other Michigan clubs to list there schedule of matches here, in this thread.

Joe Haller
Chippewa County Shooting Association
At "The Soo" - Also called Sault Saint Marie
Paul Becigneul is working on a composite schedule for Holton, WW, Isoco and Harrison. Some of the dates aren't confirmed as of yet (Holton and Western Wayne), as soon as they are firm Paul will post a schedule.
Hello Tom
Hi Al:

Seems like a good idea to put up a new thread of scheduled Michigan Matches.

A match list by STATE would save shooters time in looking for matches, rather than scanning through several of the National Association web sites to find matches that are near to them. Especially for club matches that are not sanctioned by any of the National Associations. I suspect there are more of them than the National sanctioned matches.

I'll start it by transferring the matches in this thread to one we'll call:

Then we can invite Paul Becigneul and all other Michigan Match officials to add to it. As matches are added in the thread, we can incorporate them into the main schedule.

Having a contact list with e-mail addresses and phone numbers would be helpful too.

Do you think match organizers in otter states will do the same?

Joe Haller
UP here at da Soo.
Joe, Maybe we could get Wilber to set up some kind of interactive map. Flags to represent the ranges in each state that hold Benchrest matches. You hover your cursor over the flag and the range name, location and schedule pop up on screen.

Are you listening Wilber???
