HEAVY heavy sand??


oft dis'd member
Can someone brush me up on "heavy sand" please??? I have a number of bags already filled with heavy sand, some that I've ordered already filled and some I've filled myself..

Even though some of my bags have always "seemed heavier" than others I've just never taken the time to weigh the sands for comparison... I kinda' assumed they were similar, within 20% or so.

But I just ordered a couple gators and I want them HEAVY and in looking through my sand stocks I've got about a half gallon each of three different whitish sands with salt and pepper flecks which are marked "heavy sand" and I decided to weigh a scoop of each. What a shock, one of them is more than twice as heavy as the other two.

I'll probably just burn up the "light heavy" stuff as I've spare bags.... and now I will have to buy some more "heavy heavy" from somewhere......

help me?
lester bruno probably has some in stock.
i think bart said skip heavy and use regular.
for your 50 i would think lead shot might work.
"Heavy mineral sand contains lots of heavy minerals, hence the name.
The density of these minerals is generally above 2.9 grams/cm³.
Important heavy minerals are magnetite, garnet, ilmenite, zircon,
spinel, augite, staurolite, hornblende, rutile, kyanite, tourmaline,
biotite, titanite, apatite, etc."

It really is heavier density.

I have been using it for years to weight down woodworking when required.
All's I know is, I sent a gun to an Italian guy to use at the Super Shoot and when he sent it back he gifted me a bucket of heavy sand. I didn't think nuttin of it until recently...... YUP, them 50's kick the bags around like a ranga'tang in the kiddy's ball pit

The only place I have ordered it from is Sinclair International. I realize you may want larger quantities, but this was my source. (Chromite heavy sand)

Oops - they are out of stock.




I really do think one of my buckets is quite a bit heavier than Sinclair's....... ain't sure about Lester's, I haven't bought nor messed with bags for years, just grabbed to one I need from my racks.
Grizzly Bar
Shaker Table
Wash table
5 gal Buckets of

Black Sand(heavy)
GOLD !!!
Grizzly Bar
Shaker Table
Wash table
5 gal Buckets of

Black Sand(heavy)
GOLD !!!

from you!!

(Hopefully you're down near Los Anchorage not North Slope or Nome....I don' wanna barge it....)
Any Gold washing, wet or dry banking operation will have Black Sand & Garnet.

(If a panner does NOT have the above in his/her pan, there isn't any Gold.....either)

Any crusher operation will not.
Heavy Range Sand

Might be the sand coming out of our ranges after a changes out. It is sifted before loading onto the trucks to get any large projectile pieces out, but there is enough powdered lead in it that the outgoing trucks can only carry half the amount that they deliver in. Each test range tunnel takes around 150 cubic yards of sand. They never tell us where it goes from here.