Headin South:

Pete Wass

Well-known member
We left Connecticut Tuesday AM, headin South for the "Hard Weather"months. We drove to Woodstock Va. Tuesday and found the nicest Holiday InnExpress we have found, to date and @ a decent price. Also found a pretty good restaurant close by.

I decided to go see the Shenandoah National Park this morning on the way. We have been collecting hiking staff medallions at all the national parks as we have visited them but alas, the visitors center there is only open weekends in the "Hard Weather" so we spent about an hour looking at drab overlooks, etc.

Once we got back on 81, we drove steadily to I 77 and finally hove too in Rock Hill, Sc @ the Holiday Inn Express here. This one is the priciest one we have ever stayed at BUT, the restaurant is dern good ?. Always a Silver Lining, sometimes anyway.

So, off tomorrow to visit friends living in one of those Assisted Living places and dinner with them there, where there is an entire room devoted to parking walkers whilst folks dine ?. All I can say is NEVER! but they ain't me.

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Snow birds

Some of my relatives bail out of Minnesota during the winter and head to Florida or Arizona. It's really cold back there now. Going to be around zero here in a couple days but I guess I'm staying put.

Have a safe trip.]
Well, we made er!

Arrived at our winter digs this PM @ 4:30. 72 degrees after walking to 30 this AM in Gainesville, Ga. we are moved in and some preliminary grocery shopping. Have the tv working along with my Kodi. All is well ?
