Having your rear bag move is really hard on tracking.

When is the last time you saw one checked?

I never have, in all my years of shooting Benchrest. Never seen a rifle pulled up from the front bag either. I did see HBR magazines checked once to make sure they weren't glued in - - -
You've certainly come to the right place to find out, Gene.
I don't use any of that crap and I don't care if others do.
I don't spit and I don't chew and I don't go with girls who do.

And now let's sit back and watch the answers come in to Gene.


You mean to say you never kissed a gal that had a mouthful of Red Man ?
Here's another vote for the Protektor "dead bottom" bag (Skip Otto design). The suede works well to keep it from slipping.
I don't know what Protektor uses or bottom bag material but it works wonderfully. It looks like the meat-side leather Bald Eagle and Edgewood use but it seems to stick to the bench much better. I wonder if it is treated with something??
Both myself and a friend use the protector bags and they slide on us.
He uses water I use the self stick sandpaper on the bottom of mine and it works for me.
I prepare the base of my bags by laying down some cling film on a smooth flat bench and smearing silicone on the base of the bag and putting that on the cling film. When the silicone sets I peel off the cling film and I am left with a bag that doesn't slide on any surface. I also use teflon powder on the leather ears which is a tip I got from a.JR
I have used Skateboard tape on my rear bag for slippery wooden benches. It worked pretty good.