Haverkamp action

I have been to his shop and seen these actions.
Very nice.
Been in the works for 7 years trying to get every thing perfect.
Very tight tolerances!
Tom is a perfectionist and he would not put anything on the market unless it is PERFECT!
dumb question.

I am used to a savage action which has holes drilled in the sides of the action so that if you have a case-head failure, there is a way for the gas to get out other than backwards (toward you).

Some precision actions seem to have the holes, some don't. When I looked at the haverkamp, didn't see any.

Do folks think these are not needed (despite the pressures some use in BR shooting?)? -- or would a custom maker add them if requested?

Call Tom and talk to him about this.
I am sure that he would add them if you wat them.
I'm looking forward to catching up with Tommy the week before the Supershoot.......perhaps I can convince him to make a lefty :D :D
Most holes that I've seen in the side of an action would serve very little purpose. For instance, a Remington action has an 1/8" hole in the right side of the receiver ring of a right handed action. There is also a hole in the bolt that when the bolt is closed is facing the left hand side of the action. Gas that gets into the bolt body from a blanked primer would go out this hole and then go down the left raceway and would be diverted up by the bolt shroud that covers up the rear of the left raceway.

Any gas that gets away from a ruptured case and doesn't go into the bolt body would go down either the left raceway or more than likely the right hand raceway and out the loading port. For gas to escape out the hole on the side of the receiver, the gas would have to turn 90 degrees to make it out that hole. That's not likely to happen when there is an open raceway that has at least 4 times the surface area of the 1/8" hole to dump the gas down the right side raceway. Mike Walker evidently thought there was no need for the gas port on the side of the receiver as the 40XBR action that he designed did not have the gas port. The gas port hole was added later to the 700 actions, but serves absolutely no purpose that I can see except maybe to make it lawyer friendly.

The Hall action has a gas port in the side of the receiver that would and actually does work. The large diameter bolt closes off the action and keeps any gas from getting out the loading port and diverts any gas that escapes into the action out the gas port. There was a case where a shooter at the Crawfish back when it was in Lafayette mistakenly loaded a PPC with H110. When he fired it, the action contained the gas except for where it was diverted out the gas hole. His bolt was locked down and wouldn't open, but the main thing was that he wasn't hurt and all brass from the blown case was contained inside the action.
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I agree, if someone would make a rimfire action, I bet they would sell quickly. I for one have been to a lot the action makers and have not found any that offer a rimfire action. Savage, I understand makes one, but I have not been able to find anyone who has them.
Not all Rimfire actions - -

are created equally, apparently! I am getting started again in Rimfire and have gleaned so far that some of the "Custom RF actions aren't regarded very highly by some Smiths. From what I think I have gleaned, the Ignition system is VERY important in RF; not that it isn't in CF but I am getting the message that the ignition system in a RF action sort of makes it or breaks it; perhaps I am wrong.

I think Robust seems to be a good thing; perhaps a clone of a tried and true action with a bit of modernization. At any rate, some are highly regarded and some are not. Generally I am unimpressed with the usual Remington clone in a custom action but on the other hand, they work :)
Hopefully Stillers new 40X clone will be online soon.

Don't hold your breath Butch.. Been waiting over a year for one and it doesn't sound like it's close to being available anytime soon in the last communication I received. :(

I've got to the point I'm looking at whats available and will suit my build, even to the point of getting an older 40X rifle for just the action.

Of course with my luck I'll order another action or get the rifle built with a 40X and he's release them :rolleyes:
It isnt that Tom doesnt want to make these actions, i think it has more to do with getting things rolling a bit and him selling some actions he has finished in right bolt. Tom has invested a lot of time and money, and as we all know there are a lot of good quality actions already out on the market. Tom really needs to get these actions into the hands of some serious shooters so everyone feel confident in them. I know very little about machine work, but even i can see and feel that these actions are very very good. These actions kinda remind me of a Panda but all steel. I have gotten to know tom over the last year or so, and i also know how he is! He is simply a man that will not except second rate work. These actions are 100% true and square or he wouldnt be offering them. They are also very tight.
Is there anything i dont like about them, sure. I wish they had a coned bolt, and i wish they were offered in stainless. But there again, stainless isnt as hard as the metal tom is using and thats why he isnt making them in stainless. Nothing is second best about these actions. Its just a tough market at the moment, but i think he will do fine. I will have mine before to long and i will invite anyone who cares to, to have a chance to play with it and even shoot with it. If tom can get a few of these actions out i am sure he will offer a left bolt. Tom is a fine man, and i wish him all the best!! Lee

Something else i thought i would share about tom. Tom has built these actions with the ppc and BR chambering in mind. These actions are very well built and very robust but tom is so meticulous and carefull he really doesnt want anyone shooting anything but the ppc and BR cases with these actions. These actions could shoot any of the bigger chamberings and never even know it, but thats just the way tom is. He is a man that pays great care to every detail and he is very "perfect" if you will. I hope i dont sound like a salesman because i am not! Tom is just a good friend of mine, and i want to see him have some success with these actions, thats all. Mine will probably end up as a 6br but it most definitely would handle a 308win, if thats what you wanted to build.
Tom is having a ppc built for his personal gun, and if it is done in time for the East west shoot, i will most likely be shooting toms gun in that shoot. Not that i will do it much Justice, i just want to let other folks check them out and tom has offered this opportunity to me. So hopefully it will be done in time and you folks that will be there can see them hands on. Lee
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I fit a barrel for one of the early models and thought it looked like a well built action.
I told Tom the only thing I saw wrong with it was a pull type bolt release was used instead of the rocker type release found on most custom actions. He stopped by my place last week and showed me a new rocker style bolt release was now an option for anyone that wants it.
I have a brand new BAT sitting here waiting to get used or I would consider the Haverkamp if for no other reason the cost difference will pay for the first barrel.(Its also in stock & a 20 minute drive to pick one up):cool:
I heard Gordy was messing with a couple HP's ask him what he thinks, I'd like to here what he has to say about them.
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Haverkamp actions

I do have a couple Haverkamp actions here and have barrels coming shortly. I will chamber the barrels in 6mm Dasher and am planning on doing some long range (up to 1000 yard) accuracy and match testing with them using standard twist and gain-twist barrels.

After shooting and testing them, I plan on writing articles for Varmint Hunter and possibly PS on the Haverkamp actions and on gain-twist vs. standard twist barrels - I'll do this as quickly as possible, but it will take awhile for both the testing and the writing!!

But from what I've seen so far, these actions are extremely good and I'm anxious to see if they work as good in action as I think they will!

Gordy Gritters
Pella, IA
My Choice

The slickest I've handled, was the one and only Farley 22RF. Sadly he only made one to my knowledge, and the guy the owns it, can't afford to shoot it. Or so he says. I think it a Wife thing.