Has BR Central been hacked?


New member
I am having some problems with The site this morning. When I start BenchrestCentral and select a category, i am getting redirected to a different site. One is ms5apps.com that wants me to run a movie. Other times i get redurected to sires that say my ipad has viruses and wants me to run their antivirus software. I think the site may be hacked.
Me too. I'm on a regular PC and whenever I choose "New Posts" it opens a new browser with some kind of spam.

Wilbur, help!
It's been hacked by alphabet shooters, phantom shooters, witness protection shooters, snowflakes, and non NBRSA members. Working ok here.

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I am having some problems with The site this morning. When I start BenchrestCentral and select a category, i am getting redirected to a different site. One is ms5apps.com that wants me to run a movie. Other times i get redurected to sires that say my ipad has viruses and wants me to run their antivirus software. I think the site may be hacked.

Yeh, I'm getting that on my iPad.

I was watching YouTube Videos of 1950/60 Rock Idols like Rickie Nelson, Roy Orbison, etc the other night, that might be the source.

But then, I frequent some other WebSites, mostly Automotive Related, that have this exact same Format and I do not experience this on those Sites.
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I don't know split beans about such but benchrest.com seems to be working here without a hitch. That said, I'll continue to work toward finding out what is wrong. Those guys are pretty smart!

If the site was hacked, we would all be seeing the same thing....would we not? Help!
I am having some problems with The site this morning. When I start BenchrestCentral and select a category, i am getting redirected to a different site. One is ms5apps.com that wants me to run a movie. Other times i get redurected to sires that say my ipad has viruses and wants me to run their antivirus software. I think the site may be hacked.

I had that happen JUST NOW!

Once when I opened the thread, followed by trying to get out of whatever it was redirecting me to, and then AGAIN when I started to sign in.

Wilbur, if it helps, I'm on an old iphone.

Pesky hackers!

Aaaaaaaaaand it just did it a third time.........

Take care,

Nothing happening here.

I normally come in to the forum & select New Posts, but even if I look at a Forum category or come back in to the top level & select Forums & then a category from there, it's all OK.

Thank you ESET virus protection.
I am still having problems getting redirected to other sites.

7:06am. I went to my browser and deleted the website data ( cookies). The problem went away for me.
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It's OK for me

I am using Chrome and Windows 7. Everything seems to work in it's usual way but I was away for a few days.