has anyone seen a bedding video they liked ?


Well-known member
i have bedded for years..with little to no instruction.
just doing what others have posted or screwed up.
a firm believer in never to old to learn....
i like bisonite and brownells product
johnsons floor polish for release but have used spam also.
action only, no bbl support
pillars always
rear of recoil lug with the rest unbedded...tho i would listen to a torque direction stop.
a real unknown to me is how thick is "correct"
what say you ???
( most vids i have seen are just joe blow making a vid of what he did. mcmillans show the bed, but show almost nothing other than sealing the bbl channel.)
pretty close to my current process.
i do not bed the bbl
and nowhere near as much bedding material to start with.
in one pic i think you can see the clay in the trigger slot has been pushed in the the raceway...i think from too much bedding compound below it.

still listening.
I have the one by Richard Franklin and think it's very informative.
I have the one by Richard Franklin and think it's very informative.

Richard Franklin’s bedding video is very good. I had bedded stocks for years when I watched his video and my results improved substantially after picking up a few tricks from his instruction.