Harrison Sportsman's Club Score Match


Al Walewski
There will be a 100 yard Score Match at the Harrison Sportsman's Clup this Saturday 6-5-2010. This match will also be the first match of the two Michigan Championship Series Matches that will be held at Harrison this season. You don't have to be a competitor in the Championship Series to shoot either of these two matches. Match fees are $15 for the MCS competitors, $12 for everyone else, per match. Gates open at 8:00am, firing will start at 10:00am sharp. Coffee, donuts and pop will be available. Plan on joining us at the Budd Lake Bar for food and refreshments after the match...

Al Walewski
Because of the good turn out we had at the first match, we are ordering extra donuts. Come early and enjoy.

Dick Wright
I'll be there with two guns, see ya'all Saturday.

Jeff Aberegg

Hey Jeff,

You might appreciate this, ya ain't sayin it rite, "ya'all" is singulal, "all ya'all" is plural and the proper way to address a bunch of jack pine savages. It didn't take this Damn Yankee long to learn that, also Yankee, Damn Yankee and there is another term used that I can't remember, they all have different meanings, so far I'm considered a Damn Yankee for whatever reason.:D

See here Honert...

"Damnyankee" is one word. Kinda like "Hutch'nGage". Ask any Good Ole Boy.

Ever since Jeffy lived in Texas for a couple of years and that rattlesnake bit him on the... er, privates, he's been walking' around wearing goofy hats and sayin' Ya'all a lot.

He's relatively harmless so it's O.K. to ignore him. ;)

Looks like we might get lucky weather wise. If these storms blow out of here tonight we should have light winds out of the north switching to south durring the match. Around 75% cloud cover, mirage hopefully will be non-existant. I feel another 25X is possible...