Harrison Sportsman's Club- Group Match Results


Al Walewski
The following are the results from the Group Match that was held at the Harrison Sportsman's Club Saturday 8-21. Even with threatening skies we had a great turnout of sixteen competitors, three who are new to the Harrison matches. Light/no wind, humid conditions greated the masses as they arrived at the range. The rains held off until we were in the comforts of the local eatin/drinkin establishment enjoying good company and getting our fill of cheeseburgers....

In a combined LV/HV class:
1st. Jim Hutchison...... .1788" agg.
2nd. Kurt Krug............. .2140" agg.
3rd. Brian Albee........... .2286" agg.

Small Group: Jim Hutchison .095"

in Factory Class:
1st. Elton Rountree...... .5594" agg.
2nd. Jim Guinn............. .5600" agg.
3rd. Dan Mitchel........... . 6026" agg.

Congratulations to Jim and Elton for winning their respective classes! Jim also cleaned up in the cash option winning three out of the five small group awards. Nice shooting Jim!!!

Thanks to all those who joined us for the last group match of the season. One more match to go, a Score Match on 9-11. Looking foward to seeing everyone there for the last Harrison match of the season.

To all of you who will be competing in the IBS Score Nationals GOOD LUCK!!!

The full match results can be viewed in the attachment.


  • 08-21-2010 GROUP MATCH.pdf
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Thanks All...

I don't think that a lot of people realize how much works it takes to put on a match. It takes even more plus a lot of common sense to make sure that everybody has fun and that the results are fair.

You done good.:)
