Harrison Score Match Results


Al Walewski
This was one heck of a good match to be sitting on the sidelines and watching it play itself out. :D We had Larry, Brian and Jeff all battling for first place... as Dudley sat back and quietly did what he normally does, shoot to win. At one point in the match Jeff was ahead of Brian and then the pressure started (not that I had anything to do with it ;) ). So when the last targets of the Harrison Benchrest season were pulled the results are...

1st. Dudley Pierce................... 250-24X
2nd. Brian "Whaaa" Albee....... 250-22X
3rd. Larry Feusse.................... 250-19X
Rick Averill....................... 250-19X

In Factory
1st. Charlie Deardoff................ 244-8X
2nd. Jim Quinn......................... 241-5X

Congratulations To Dudley and Charlie for their respective wins! Although the weather wasn't a major factor our string of dry conditions was broken when the clouds let loose of a steady rain that started about noon and continued for the rest of the match. Good shooting by all those involved.

We also had a first time competitor to join us, Joyce French shot in her first Benchrest match. Welcome to the world of Benchrest Joyce! Jeff Abereeg is her mentor.

I'd like to thank Bill Stiverson for all the help he's been assisting me with running the Harrison matches this season. Bill was always only a phone call/email away and acted as my eyes and ears concerning the range. Bill would check the conditions of the range and then do what was necessary to get the range ready for a match. Running the registartion table and splitting the match calling duties was also a BIG help. THANKS BILL!

And then there's DICK!!!
Thank You sir for all your help and guidance this season! Considering the fact that we've had a sucessful season again this year is testimony that you've taught me well.

It's been a pleasure running the Benchrest matches this season, looking foward to doing it again next year. Thank You to to all of those who came out to our matches this year. See you again next May!

Full match results are contained in the attachment.


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I hope everybody noticed the 24X score Dudley shot. 25 X's have only been shot once on our range, that score by Larry Feusse.

It was kinda fun watching... actually I could only watch cause I dropped a point on my first target. Anyway, whilst the noisy one's (read "Brian" and "Jeff") were making all the noise re: who was going to win and who was going to do what to whom... Dudley just quietly shot 24 X's in challenging conditions and won by two X's.

Joyce did good... hope she will do it again.

Good job Big Al.

Sorry Richard, I think Joyce's BR days are over. Plus I have this really nice little Bat sitting at the house!!!

Jeff Aberegg
Al, I'm going to re-crown the barrel, make new brass then shoot it at Holton. Love the way it rides the bags. Price will probably be closer to $500 :)

Jeff Aberegg