Harrison Group Match Results 7-24-2010


Al Walewski
The following are the results from a Group match that was hosted at the Harrison Sportsman's Club on July 24 2010. After a hotly contested LV/HV combined class the winner is;

1st. Larry Gage .2238"
2nd. Dudley Pierce .2258" (shooting a .30)
3rd. Jim Hutchison .2578"

Small Group- Larry Gage .173"

In Factory Class;
1st. Jim Guinn .495"
2nd. Bo Zimmer .5364"
3rd. Charles Deardoff .668"

Congratulations to Larry and Jim for some great shooting in some of the worst switchy conditions I've seen at Harrison. There was more than a few competitors grumbling about shots going out of the group for no apparent reason. Just a couple of 4-1 groups were fired... :D

Thanks to all those who came out to shoot! Even with the glum weather report it was pleasantly surprising to see all those who braved the conditions and came to compete. Turn-out for this match was outstanding considering the forecast of high wind and thunderstorms which thankfully never materialized.

Also we'd like to give a warm welcome to a first-time competitor Emily Wilcox! Emily is a junior who came out to Harrison for her first ever Benchrest match. I believe she is hooked hearing comments about Emily having an interest in shooting at our next Score Match.

Welcome to Harrison Emily!!!

The full match results are included in the attachment.

Al Walewski


  • 7-24-10Group Match Results.pdf
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Dick between the match Saturday and trips to the hospital (new granddaughter... :D ) Thursday and Friday I've been busier that a one legged man at an aze kickin contest. Things have finally calmed down, I'll give you a call Monday.
Nice shooting Larry. Looks like consistency really paid off. Dudley was leaning on you very hard. The humidity on saturday was pretty unusual also.
Congratulations to all. Looks like it could have went either way at anytime.

Nice job Larry, sneaking up an winning at the end. Again nice match run by Al an Bill. A couple of us talked about getting a pistol match going an I talked to Al about it so............ anyone want to bring a XP or Contender an get something going?

Jeff Aberegg