Harley Baker (4)

Andy Shifflett

New member
With all the accolades being handed out for SOY i think Harley Baker needs to be reconized for the hard work and dedication he has shown to the sport of Group Shooting! IBS Group Shooter of the Year 4 years straight. Congratulations Harley!

Also Congrats to Barney Small, (IBS Rookie Group SOY). If you havent yet met Mr. Small i encourage you to do so. Terrific individual and all around great guy.

And last but certainly not least, I personally want to say Congratulations to Junior Shooter Wyatt Pinehardt, i have yet to see this young man without a hugh smile on his face, and at last years SuperShoot all one had to do was take notice of the fun Wyatt was having and i guarantee you it was an instant moral booster. I look forward to shooting with you next summer Wyatt. Have a good christmas!

With all the accolades being handed out for SOY i think Harley Baker needs to be reconized for the hard work and dedication he has shown to the sport of Group Shooting! IBS Group Shooter of the Year 4 years straight. Congratulations Harley!

Well,congratulations Mr. Baker. You sure earn the Group SOTY award.

Tks, Andy for letting us know.
Harley Baker didn't do too bad for a washed up Score shooter
I also heard Harley was voted BDGSE(Best dressed group shooter ever) Way to go Harley. Congrats to Barney and Wyatt also.

Media Event !

In an unprecedented media event Harley,Barney and Wyatt have agreed to join me here in the IBS Canal Town Studios for a candid question and answer session from all their fans.So without further ado let's get the ball rolling.

Harley,is it true that you milk the clock down to the last few seconds before you shoot your group ? L.C. Dicau Green Bay, WI

L.C. , I'm not really shure,maybe sometimes,I guess. Harley

Barney,I've seen you use dryer sheets on your sand bags,is that so the rifle dosn't stick like glue to the bags ? Elmer Dabull Hayfield,NJ

Elmer, Well I started doing it cause it smelled nice but it does help the gun slide better. Barney

Wyatt, Is it true that you are "chicken" to bet with Harley ? That's a joke,I say,That's a joke,son ! F.H. Leghorn Farmland, TN

Gee Mr. Leghorn, I hear that you're afraid to go into a KFC restaurant. Wyatt

Harley,Like you ,I have a rather large head and was wondering what type of hearing muffs do you use ? Mick Emouze Orlando, FL

Mick, I have found by trial and error that a couple of chunks of cheddar cheese moistened and then jammed tightly into my ear canals provides all the hearing protection I need. Harley

Barney, My three nephews want to start shooting. Do you have any suggestions for a rifle for Hugh,Dewbert and Louis? Dawnelle Duque Anaheim,CA

Dawnelle,Being as they're still "wet behind the ears" I would suggest a stainless rimfire with a synthetic stock. Barney

Wyatt, Di,di,di do you and your da,da,da,da Father di,do any small game hunting? P.Peeg Cornhill, NE

Jeepers Mr. Peeg, We havn't gone hunting yet but I had a hamster named Leo that somehow got into the toaster and after a lot of squealing came running out real fast and I had to catch him. Wyatt

Harley, My shooting buddies are always saying that I "stink" but having you as a role model gives me the strength to persevere. P.P. LePieu Marcelle, France

P.P. , Better to have honest shooting buddies than a couple of snack stealing "skunks" in your loading trailer. Harley

Senior Barney, I hear you shoot slow like me.My cousin "Speedy" say "you got to shoot fast". I tell heem "I'm fast in La Cabeza". What chew theenk ? Lento Tranquilino Rodriguez. Sonora,Mexico

Lento, I prefer to take my time and be a little more careful like you. Barney

Hey There,Wyatt,Wyatt ,When you're at a match, do you eat range chow or do you bring a pic-i-nic basket ? Yogi B. Jellystone Park ,Ca

Yogi, Get a life and quit bothering people ! Wyatt

Well, that's about all we have time for tonight. Congratulations and many thanks to Harley, Barney and Wyatt for their time.
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In an unprecedented media event Harley,Barney and Wyatt have agreed to join me here in the IBS Canal Town Studios for a candid question and answer session from all their fans.So without further ado let's get the ball rolling............

Wyatt, Is it true that you are "chicken" to bet with Harley ? That's a joke,I say,That's a joke,son ! F.H. Leghorn Farmland, TN

Gee Mr. Leghorn, I hear that you're afraid to go into a KFC restaurant. Wyatt...........

Well, that's about all we have time for tonight. Congratulations and many thanks to Harley, Barney and Wyatt for their time.

Interesting question from Mr. Leghorn. Is this famous the Tennessee Score shooter, Fog Horn Leghorn, who insists on shooting all his score shots into one target bull? I hear Mr. Leghorn, an avid environmentalist, does this to save paper and thereby saves trees.
My 2 cents

Harley, you share freely of your hard won experiences, you will help anyone at the drop of a hat, and you always have the freshest peanut butter pretzels of anyone. You're AOK in my book. Congratulations on all your accomplishments and I wish you many more in the future.

Nader, don't listen to Jeff Stover - he's just jealous. You crack me up and I'm glad I don't live closer to you, the influence would probably only hasten the day that my wife moves past the "I can ignore him state" and moves out.

I hope both of you gentlemen keep up the fine work....
Thanks Andy for the props......Harley times are tough and you never made good on that bet with this 12 year old. Maybe before Christmas u can pay up! LOL

Wyatt Peinhardt